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Varför tillåter inte min telefon mig att ringa Android?


Online Tech Tips stöds av läsare. Vi kan tjäna en provision när du köper via länkar på vår webbplats. Läs mer.

Det finns inget mer frustrerande än att försöka ringa ett samtal på din Android-enhet och få det att misslyckas. Det finns många anledningar till varför din telefon kanske inte tillåter dig att ringa samtal på Android – vissa är ur dina händer. För det mesta kan du dock oftast felsöka och fixa samtalsproblem på din enhet själv.

I den här artikeln hittar du praktiska lösningar och tips för att lösa samtalsproblem på din Android-enhet. Jag kommer att täcka en rad felsökningssteg, från att söka efter programuppdateringar till att återställa nätverksinställningar för att hjälpa dig att återfå full användning av din telefon.


Varför tillåter inte min telefon mig att ringa Android-samtal?

Det finns många anledningar till varför din Android-telefon kanske inte tillåter dig att ringa eller ta emot samtal. För det mesta kommer de dock att koka ner till dessa kärnproblem:

  • Nätverksproblem: En bra början är att kontrollera nätverksavbrott eller problem med din mobiloperatör. Ibland kan överbelastning eller underhåll påverka din förmåga att ringa samtal, särskilt om det är lokaliserat till just ditt område.
  • SIM-kortproblem: Om du har skadat din telefon (eller till och med bara en snabb regnskur) kan ditt SIM-kort ha problem. Vatten, ludd eller bara ett felinriktat SIM-kort efter att du tagit bort det och satt i det igen kan hindra dig från att ringa.
  • Programvaruproblem: Android är ett ganska stabilt system, men det betyder inte att apparna du kör på din telefon är stabila. En dålig app från tredje part kan blockera dina samtal, liksom inaktuell enhetsfirmware eller felaktiga operatörsinställningar.
  • Signalstyrka: Du kan behöva flytta för att ringa ett samtal i många fall. Svag signalstyrka eller nätverkstäckning kan påverka din samtalskvalitet eller hindra dig från att ringa. Wi-Fi-samtal kan vara en lösning om din operatör stöder det, men du måste se till att du är ansluten till Wi-Fi för att detta ska fungera.

Tips för att lösa problem med telefonsamtal på din telefon

Android-ekosystemet använder inte ett standardgränssnitt, men stegen du kan försöka lösa samtalsproblem på din Android-telefon är ungefär desamma, oavsett vilken enhet du använder. Du kan följa dessa steg för att lösa samtalsproblemen du har.

Starta om din telefon

Kan du inte ringa telefonsamtal? Innan du försöker något annat, stäng av och sätt på din Android-telefon igen. En omstart är ett bra sätt att åtgärda eventuella tillfälliga problem som din telefon kan ha, särskilt om den har körts utan omstart under lång tid.

Underskatta inte detta gamla IT-trick. En omstart rensar enhetens aktiva minne och tvingar enheten att återansluta till ditt mobila nätverk.

Inaktivera flygplansläge

Om du av misstag har aktiverat flygplansläget för din Android-enhet kommer du inte att kunna ringa ett samtal. Du kommer att kunna se om detta är fallet eftersom du kommer att se en plansymbol visas i det övre högra hörnet av din Android-skärm.

Detta är en snabb och enkel lösning att lösa om detta inträffar. Svep nedåt överst på skärmen för att komma åt enhetens snabbinställningspanel, leta efter ikonen för flygplansläge och tryck sedan på den för att stänga av den. Du kan också hitta den i telefonens inställningsmeny.

Kontrollera dina nätverksinställningar

Dåliga operatörsinställningar hindrar dig från att ansluta till din nätverksleverantör och kan orsaka att samtalen släpps. Om du använder fel nätverkstyp (som 3G i ett 4G-aktiverat område) kan du också hindra dig från att använda din telefon på rätt sätt.

Du kan kontrollera om du använder rätt inställningar via enhetens meny för nätverksinställningar . Följ dessa steg för att kontrollera detta själv. Dessa steg har skrivits med en Samsung Galaxy i åtanke men bör likna de på andra Android-enheter.

  1. Gå till Inställningar på din enhet.
  2. Knacka på Anslutningar eller Nätverk & Internet. Om du inte ser någon av dem, leta efter alternativ relaterade till ditt mobilnätverk.

  1. Välj mobila nätverk.
  1. Bekräfta att din föredragna nätverkstyp (4G eller 5G) är aktiverad i menyn Nätverksläge.
  2. Se till att rätt mobilnätverk och eventuella nätverksinställningar är korrekta och valda i Nätverksoperatörer och åtkomstpunkt Namnmenyer.
  1. Vänta på att eventuella ändringar ska aktiveras. Om de inte gör det startar du om telefonen för att tvinga fram ändringarna.

Sök efter enhetsuppdateringar

Din Android-telefon bör få regelbundna uppdateringar för att hjälpa till att fixa buggar och förbättra funktionalitet och säkerhet. Om du inte har letat efter eller installerat några Android-uppdateringar nyligen är det en bra idé att göra det här nästa.

  1. Börja med att öppna appen Inställningar.
  2. Leta efter den relevanta menyn för programuppdatering. Detta kan ha ett eget alternativ eller finnas i en undermeny som Allmänt.
  1. Knacka på alternativet Ladda ner och installera för att installera alla tillgängliga uppdateringar på din enhet.

Ta bort, rensa och sätt tillbaka ditt SIM-kort

Om du inte använder ett e-SIM måste du se till att ditt fysiska SIM-kort är i fullt fungerande skick. Ett smutsigt eller dåligt installerat SIM-kort kommer att hindra dig från att ringa. För att lösa dessa problem, stäng av telefonen, ta bort SIM-kortet, rengör det snabbt och sätt sedan i det igen.

Du måste leta efter specifika instruktioner om hur du tar bort enhetens SIM-kort, men du behöver vanligtvis ett SIM-utkastverktyg för att mata ut SIM-kortet först. Om du gör detta, rengör SIM-kortet med en torr trasa och tvättsprit (om du har något till hands) och sätt sedan tillbaka det i enheten.

Ta bort eventuell tredje -Party Party Apps som påverkar samtal

Att hitta appar från tredje part som kan påverka din förmåga att ringa ut på din Android-enhet är sällsynt men inte omöjligt. Om du använder appar som påverkar din mobila nätverksanvändning, som att tvinga dig att använda en specifik nätverkstyp, kan dessa appar blockera dina samtal.

Detsamma gäller appar för föräldrakontroll på din enhet och tredje -appar för samtal. Du måste titta igenom din applista och avgöra om det finns några appar som troligen är boven. Om du ser några kan du ta bort dem med dessa steg.

  1. Öppna appen Inställningar.
  2. < li>Knacka på menyn Appar eller Applikationer.

  1. Leta reda på appen som kanske blockerar dina samtal.
  2. Tryck på Tvinga stopp för att stoppa den från att fungera tillfälligt. Du kan använda den här för att se om den återställer din samtalsfunktion.
  3. Om den gör det trycker du på Avinstallera eller Ta bort för att ta bort den från enheten och följ sedan eventuella ytterligare instruktioner på skärmen för att slutföra processen .

Utför en fabriksåterställning

Om allt annat misslyckas kan det vara värt att utföra en fabriksåterställning. En fabriksåterställning kommer att återställa din enhet till dess standardkonfiguration och radera alla appar eller inställningar som i hemlighet kan påverka din förmåga att ringa. Det kommer också att återställa enhetens nätverksinställningar.

Det här steget bör vara en sista utväg eftersom det tar bort data från din telefon (såvida du inte väljer en mindre invasiv återställningsmetod).

Följ dessa steg för att utföra en fabriksåterställning:

  1. Säkerhetskopiera all viktig data på telefonen först.
  2. Öppna appen Inställningar.
  3. Leta efter återställningsalternativen i menyerna Allmän hantering eller System.
  1. Knacka på Återställ.
  1. Välj fabriksdata återställningsalternativ och följ anvisningarna på skärmen för att bekräfta processen.
  1. Din enhet kommer att starta om medan enheten återställs. Detta kan ta lite tid att slutföra.
  2. När återställningen är klar kommer din enhet att starta om och du måste konfigurera den igen. Försök att ringa för att se om problemen är lösta.

Hantera samtalsproblem på Android

Det finns inte alltid en uppenbar orsak bakom samtalsproblem på en Android-smarttelefon. Om din telefon inte tillåter dig att ringa på Android kan du följa stegen som jag har beskrivit ovan för att hjälpa dig lösa problemet.

Dessa korrigeringar är en bra början, men om du fortfarande har problem bör du kontakta din operatör eller enhetstillverkare för ytterligare support. Om din enhet fortfarande omfattas av garantin kan du begära reparation i händelse av maskinvarufel.

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Spotify rullar ut «Offline Backup» till premiumanvändare


Online Tech Tips stöds av läsare. Vi kan tjäna en provision när du köper via länkar på vår webbplats. Läs mer.

Bildkredit: Spotify

Spotifys Offline Backup-funktion har varit i testfasen i månader. Leverantören av streamingtjänster rullar nu ut Offline Backup till Premium-prenumeranter med Spotify Android- och iOS-appen. Funktionen kommer även att vara tillgänglig på Android Auto och Apple CarPlay.

Spotify designade Offline Backup för att låta musiken spelas upp, särskilt när användare tappar en internetanslutning. Funktionen sammanställer automatiskt dina köade och nyligen strömmade spår till en «Offline Backup»-spellista i Spotify-mobilappen.


    Offline Backup använder ingen extra data eller lagringsutrymme. Det beror på att spår i spellistan redan finns på användarnas enheter som cachad data. Säg att din telefon förlorar internetanslutning när du vandrar. Det finns låtar i Spotifys «Downloaded»-spellista, men du vill lyssna på något nytt och annorlunda. Offline Backup ger ett offlinelyssningsalternativ.

    Till skillnad från offlineläge, som innebär manuell nedladdning av låtar för internetfri lyssning, samlar Offline Backup automatiskt låtar i enhetens cache och gör dem tillgängliga för offlinelyssning.

    Bildkredit: Spotify

    För att använda Offline Backup måste du aktivera Offline Listening och ha lyssnat på mer än fem låtar med en internetanslutning. Ett «Offline Backup»-kort visas i «Hem»-flödet när din enhet är offline. Du kan lägga till Offline Backup till ditt bibliotek, precis som Daylist och andra automatiskt genererade spellistor. Dessutom låter Spotify dig sortera spellistan och filtrera låtar efter humör, genre, artist och andra alternativ.

    Per Spotify kommer Offline Backup att rullas ut till Premium-användare globalt denna vecka. Uppdatera Spotify till den senaste versionen på din Android- och iOS-enhet och vänta tills den är tillgänglig i din region.

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    Incitement against ethnic group investigation after Israel-critical demonstration


    Published 7 October 2024 at 11.59

    Domestic. The police have opened a preliminary investigation into incitement against a group of people after a pro-Palestinian demonstration on Möllevångstorget in Malmö on Sunday.

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    According to information from the police Derogatory comments are said to have been directed at Jews during the demonstration, reports TT.

    The incident was noticed via a video clip on social media where a speaker is said to have stated that «it is in their genes to kill people», referring to the state Israel.

    A private person has filed a police report, and the investigation is now led by the police's special unit against crime threatening democracy.

    Criticism when Åkesson claims that «Israel's struggle is Sweden's»


    Published 7 October 2024 at 12.29

    Foreign. Jimmie Åkesson is showered with critical comments from immigration critics on social media after stating that «Israel's struggle is also Sweden's» struggle.

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    That many SD voters have had enough of the SD leadership's at least intimate relationship with Israel was noticed in September.

    Then Fria Tider reported that the Sweden Democrats' cultural policy spokesperson Alexander Christiansson appeared on a video from Israel — in which he wept knelt down in front of an Israeli settler.

    The same SD leader had just announced that in a collaboration between the SD and the government he would donate nine million tax kroner to Barbara Specter's left-wing radical Jewish think tank Paideia. Barbara Specter became internationally famous after she claimed in an Israeli television interview that Jews have a «leading role» in transforming Europe into a multicultural one.

    «Long live Israel, long live the West, long live democracy!» writes Jimmie Åkesson now in a new post on X on the anniversary of the 7 October attack.

    «The terrorist act, which was shamefully celebrated in several places in Sweden, was not only an attack directed against Israel, but also against all those values ​​we in the West stand for – freedom, democracy and human rights,» continues the SD leader.

    He also claims that Israel's struggle is also Sweden's.

    «Iran, both by its own power and through its henchmen Hamas, Hezbollah and the Huthi rebels, is responsible for this terror and destruction. Their goal is clear: to create instability, make peace impossible and to wipe out Israel and all the Jews of the world. Sweden and the entire free The world must stand united in our condemnation of these terrorist organizations and support Israel in its right to defend its people and its sovereignty. By extension, Israel's struggle is also Sweden's and the entire West's struggle,» writes Åkesson.The post is illustrated by a photograph of Jimmie Åkesson when he visited Israel in January this year together with party colleagues to show his support for the country and establish contacts.

    In the comments, there are many who are critical of Åkesson's actions.< /p>

    «Stop embarrassing yourself Jimmie,» reads one reply.

    Another user asks: «Why did you give 9 million to Paideia? What was your idea?» — but have not received an answer.

    Others write that Åkesson is a «traitor» who serves a foreign people and their interests rather than his own.

    «If you get a minute over while you're bullshitting Israel, maybe you can close the borders? Think about your own people?» states a nationalist female user.

    Another comment to Åkesson in the same vein reads: «Shut up about Israel and focus on Sweden you cursed idiots. 100k new residence permits in Sweden under you, what the hell are you doing? «

    Recommended sex buy — kicked out of the P4 studio


    Published 7 October 2024 at 13.48

    Domestic. Journalist and writer Henrik Brandão Jönsson at Dagens Nyheter has come under fire for speaking out about sex purchases in Sveriges Radio's program «Söndag i P4». After being kicked out of the studio, he apologizes profusely.

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    During a segment, where listener Julia asked for advice on her sex life, suggested Jönsson that her partner should try prostitution.

    — Maybe he should go to Copenhagen and pay for sex, he said.

    This led to strong reactions from both the presenter Farah Abadi and the panelist Jennie Walldén. The program was temporarily interrupted, and Jönsson was forced to leave the studio.

    The statement has since attracted a lot of attention and criticism on social media. In an interview with Dagens Nyheter, Jönsson expresses remorse and apologizes.

    — I apologize so terribly. I understand that it was inappropriate and that many people took offense, said Jönsson, who also distanced himself from all forms of sex buying and human trafficking.

    In a post on X, Jönsson explains that he tried to create dynamism in the program but that it «went completely wrong».

    «Regarding my participation in the program Söndag in P4 today, I want to apologize for what happened. I tried to contribute for the good of the program and create dynamics, but it was completely wrong. I distance myself from all forms of sex buying,» he writes.

    DN's editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarski informs Aftonbladet that he will talk to Jönsson about the incident before giving further comments.

    The review board condemns SVT for impropriety


    Published 7 October 2024 at 15:32

    Media. The board of review rejects features in Morgonstudion and Rapport due to misleading graphics. SVT made corrections in later broadcasts, but according to the board, these were not clear enough. states in its decision that bars representing savings on public transport were disproportionately large in relation to the bars illustrating policy measures benefiting motorists. They therefore gave a misleading picture that the savings on public transport were as large — or greater — than the measures that benefit motorists.

    SVT sent a clarification in Rapport on April 30 and a correction in Morgonstudion on May 2. According to the committee, a correction must be called a correction and make it clear to the audience which information has become incorrect and which is correct. The board considers that the corrections were not clear enough and therefore rejects the elements.

    The requirement of objectivity means that information that is of importance to the petition must be correct and that the petition must not be misleading, for example by omitting essential information . SVT must correct information that appeared in a television program when it is warranted.

    Gang criminal drove 11-year-old to death — acquitted


    Published 7 October 2024 at 16.34

    Foreign. Daniar Mohammed, a 28-year-old man with gang connections, on June 7, 2023 killed an eleven-year-old cycling in Märsta. Now he completely avoids being convicted of a crime.

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    The incident occurred early in the evening at a pedestrian crossing when the boy, who died from his injuries, was cycling across the road.

    Daniar Mohammed was charged with causing the death of another and negligence in traffic.

    However, according to the district court, the prosecutor has not proven that Daniar Mohammed, who was driving in reverse light, was negligent when the collision occurred.< /p>

    The district court now acquits Mohammed of responsibility for both crimes.

    — From the investigation in the case, the district court has not been able to determine what it looked like from the direction the boy came cycling. It has also not been possible to say with certainty that the man did not adapt the speed to the conditions on the spot, says councilor Karl Axel Öberg in a statement.

    Daniar Mohammed was charged in 2019 for a high-profile gang criminal execution murder in Bromma in western Stockholm in 2017 and a shooting at a restaurant in Märsta in 2019. He was convicted in the district court but acquitted in the court of appeal, which considered that the evidence was not fully sufficient for a conviction.

    He has also previously escaped punishment for assault, serious threats against an official and serious weapons offences.

    All in all, Mohammed has accumulated a huge criminal record after he came to Sweden from Iraq in 2009. He has been convicted of, among other things, violent resistance, drug offenses and illegal threats.

    The Swedish Migration Agency is strengthening control in matters of Swedish citizenship


    Published 4 October 2024 at 15.52

    Domestic. The Swedish Migration Agency is strengthening control in the handling of cases about Swedish citizenship. The measures presented in a report to the government aim to detect potential security threats, strengthen ID control and develop the work with revocations of residence permits. The authority also points to the need for legislation that allows the use of fingerprints and photographs for identification.

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    In the regulation letter for 2024, the Swedish Migration Agency has been tasked by the government to take measures to strengthen checks in matters concerning citizenship.

    — It is important that a thorough check is made in matters of Swedish citizenship. The decisions cannot be revoked, so it is our last opportunity to discover, for example, potential security threats or that residence permits should be revoked on other grounds, says director general Maria Mindhammar.

    In the report, the Swedish Migration Agency reports on the efforts made and the action plan drawn up with measures in the four areas that the assignment covers — checks to detect security threats, increased competence on security threats, strengthened ID control and revocations of residence permits.

    Among other things, the transfer of information to the security police must increase and also cover certain cases of citizenship through notification. Competence regarding security threats has been strengthened through specially trained specialists and a training effort is being carried out in the autumn.

    In order to strengthen identity control, a standard is being designed for the handling, registration and review of ID documents. The plan also includes proposals for technical development, increased use of photo comparisons and further review training. There is also an internal review of the conditions for people to verify their identity through a close relative and to be exempted from the requirement for verified identity.

    The report states that the Swedish Migration Agency is currently not allowed to take fingerprints and photographs in order to check the identity in matters of Swedish citizenship and that there is a strong need for legislation that makes this possible.

    Finally, measures are reported to develop work on revoking residence permits. When a person with a residence permit wants to become a Swedish citizen, there may be indications in the processing that the existing permit should be revoked. One of the measures is a developed initial screening to detect such indicators.

    Has granted 73,000 residence permits so far this year


    Published 6 October 2024 at 08.32

    Domestic. With 73,000 granted residence permits up to and including September this year, SD and the government look like they will succeed in getting immigration to land a little over 100,000 people this year as well. This is shown by new statistics from the Swedish Migration Agency.

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    SD and the government continue to pursue immigration at the same high level as the former moderate Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt introduced in Sweden at the beginning of the 2000s.

    The new figures indicate that immigration will amount to approx. 100,000 residence permits in total for the year 2024.

    On average, Fredrik Reinfeldt granted residence permits to 103,375 immigrants annually in Sweden during his eight years as Prime Minister 2006–2014.

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has for his part promised a «paradigm shift» in Swedish immigration policy, but no significant changes have been made to immigration policy at all during the two years that SD and The Tidö government has been in power.

    1,700 may be forced to return if Northvolt goes bankrupt


    Published 6 October 2024 at 10.01

    Domestic. About 1,700 people who work at Northvolt in Skellefteå, Västerås and Stockholm have work permits from third countries. They may soon be forced to return to their home countries.

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    The so-called labor immigration to Sweden is today completely dominated by men from the third world and in Northvolt in particular they are largest countries of origin are Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Turkey, according to the Swedish Migration Agency's statistics.

    Now the authority is warning that some of the immigrants who received residence permits to work at Northvolt may be forced to return.

    — About you are dismissed and quit your job, then the actual basis for a residence permit is missing. The reason why you have been granted a permit in Sweden is as an employee for a specific job, says Hanna Geurtsen, head of section at the Swedish Migration Agency, in a press release.

    But the rules are generous. If you, as an employee, want to continue working in Sweden, there is an opportunity to apply for a new work and residence permit if you find a new job within three months on unemployment insurance or social benefits. Something that the immigrants will now get help with.

    — The Swedish Migration Agency is starting collaboration with other public actors in Västerbotten, says Hanna Geurtsen.

    Mattias Karlsson wants revenge on journalists after revealed gang connection


    Published 6 October 2024 at 11.02

    Domestic. The media's publication of the information that Mattias Karlsson's ex-wife's new gang criminal boyfriend attended Jimmie Åkesson's wedding last week has really stirred Karlsson's feelings. Now the 47-year-old SD leader wants to take revenge by investigating journalists who also have gang connections.

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    In a post on X, Mattias Karlsson directs harsh criticism against the media, which he believes crossed a line when they published information about the private relationships of those in power with gang crime.

    The SD leader asks his followers to send him messages in which they advise journalists and left-wing politicians who have some form of association with people who are not «morally blameless».

    «I do not believe that this is a healthy and reasonable development, but I must admit that it is not entirely without satisfaction that I will participate in the coming time and consider the review», writes Karlsson.

    Shooting at shopping center in Kungsbacka — one shot


    Published 6 October 2024 at 15.58

    Domestic. There is a large police operation at Kungsmässan in Kungsbacka after a shooting in which one person was hit and a suspected perpetrator has been arrested, several media reports.

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    Aftonbladet writes that the alarm went off in the building and that visitors were urged to «seek shelter immediately».

    One person has been shot at the mall and the police have started life-saving efforts.

    — One person has been arrested, says Christian Brattgård at the police to Expressen.

    Several people witnessed the incident.

    — People stand and cry, and it is cordoned off and full of police and fire trucks, says one of them to Aftonbladet.

    The police do not know if there are more perpetrators and a large operation is still underway.

    Another witness claims to have been met by running people who fled the scene.

    She takes over FHM


    Published 4 October 2024 at 17.09

    Domestic. The government has decided to appoint Olivia Wigzell as the new Director General of the Public Health Agency.

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    Olivia Wigzell has been acting as Director General of the Public Health Agency since 15 August. The appointment as the new director general extends six years ahead, from 3 October 2024, according to the government's decision.

    — I look forward to managing the high level of trust that the Public Health Agency enjoys, and to leading and developing the agency's work for good and equal health. The task affects the whole of society and there are many major development issues that the authority pursues. We are now working to get even more effect from the work, says Olivia Wigzell in a statement.

    The Public Health Agency will, among other things, to an even greater extent support the implementation of public health efforts at local and regional level, and increase access to data and analyses.

    Olivia Wigzell previously came from a position as director general of the National Board of Health and Welfare. Before that, she was director general of SBU, the State's preparation for medical and social evaluation.

    Plexiglas can protect the politicians in the Riksdag


    Published 4 October 2024 at 19.34

    Domestic. Protecting the politicians in the Riksdag from the audience with plexiglass is a proposal that is now being discussed.

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    After Thursday's incident where Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M ) were attacked with tomatoes in the Riksdag, the parties' group leaders have been called to an extra meeting on Monday to discuss security.

    According to information to Ekot, they are considering installing Plexiglas panels between the audience and the members as a security measure.

    The Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, expresses his outrage at the incident and emphasized that it is unacceptable to disrupt meetings, in this case by throwing objects. The incident has led to increased security requirements in the Riksdag.

    Ayatollah: Israel will not survive


    Published 5 October 2024 at 07.13

    Foreign. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, held his first Friday prayer in nearly five years on Friday before a massive crowd in Tehran. During his speech, where he stood with a rifle at his side, he called on Muslim countries to unite against Israel and the United States.

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    Khamenei stated that «Israel will not survive long» and called both the October 7 Hamas attack and Iran's own robotic attack on Israel earlier this week » entitled».

    After Khamenei's speech, a memorial service was held for Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in late September in Beirut.

    Tuesday's drone attack by Iran against Israel was described as a revenge for Nasrallah's death, and Iran's top military leadership warned Israel of further attacks – particularly on the country's energy infrastructure – should Israel “make a mistake.”

    — Our resistance will not end and we will win. Israel will never defeat Hamas and Hezbollah, said the ayatollah during his speech.

    MP: Terror class Israeli settlers


    Published 5 October 2024 at 08.57

    Domestic. The Green Party wants violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank, who act on Palestinian territory, to be classified as terrorists. This is reported by Aftonbladet.

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    According to Jacob Risberg, foreign policy spokesperson for the Green Party, these settlers use violence to spread fear among the Palestinian population, which the party considers as a terrorist crime.

    The party plans to put forward a motion calling on the Swedish government to raise the issue within the EU. However, Risberg is unsure whether there is sufficient support for such a motion in the Riksdag at the moment.

    The forecast: Northvolt goes bankrupt on October 14


    Published 5 October 2024 at 15.01

    Economy. Sustainability giant Northvolt must pay 62 million in taxes and fees by October 14, otherwise the board will be responsible for the company's debts. Assessors therefore believe that the board will file for bankruptcy shortly before then.

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    The board's regular members Carl-Erik Lagercrantz, Susanna Campbell, Tom Johnstone and Barbara Frei- Spreiter will suffer personal liability if the company does not pay by October 14 at the latest. Otherwise, a restructuring or bankruptcy application must be submitted before then.

    — The basic tip is that there will be suspended payments and bankruptcy, says Magnus Henrekson, professor of economics, to Aftonbladet.

    Total Northvolt pays 62.1 million to the Tax Agency, of which 28.2 million relates to employer contributions and 33.9 million is deducted tax.

    However, Northvolt can also apply for company restructuring and if a court thinks that the company has long-term viability then shall it grant the application. Then the company does not have to pay its debts.

    However, the legislation is in practice a fiasco and most companies that are granted restructuring still go bankrupt in the end.

    Green conversion

    • Green bangs: Tens of billions missing as Northvolt heads for bankruptcy
    • < li class="views-row views-row-2 views-row-even arrow"> The Verdict of Northvolt: Cannot Survive

    • 1,600 fired by Northvolt
    • Trump victory in the US could be a heavy blow to battery factories and green steel
    • Kristersson: The state will not join Northvolt

    Show all

    High monthly costs put an end to Swedish mortgage dreams


    Published 5 October 2024 at 10.44

    Economy. Four out of ten Swedes, 41 percent, want to live larger than they do today. But despite the fact that the interest rate continues to fall, an equal proportion, 41 percent, of those who want to live larger respond that too high monthly costs prevent them from being able to move. This is according to a new survey from Verian.

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    — The announced interest rate cuts make Swedes increasingly confident in changing homes as needed and the rate of bidding is higher than in a long time. But interest rates are still high and hit hardest against those with the least margins in the housing economy – young and first-time buyers, says Marcus Svanberg, CEO of Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling, which commissioned the survey.

    Four out of ten Swedes, 41 percent, want to move to a larger home. The desire for more square meters of living space is greatest among young people – as many as 62 percent aged 18–29 state that they want to live larger than they do today. Even in the age group 30–49, there is a strong desire to move, where 56 percent would like to change to a larger home.

    — Two out of three Swedes own their home, and in recent years both inflation and high interest rates have become difficult financial obstacles for many who would have actually had to move. The improved economic situation now makes Swedes increasingly confident in changing homes as needed, and hopefully more people can see their housing dream come true in the future, says Marcus Svanberg in a press release.

    The main reason why Swedes do not move to a larger home, there is a risk that the housing costs would be too high. A full 41 percent who want to live larger state that as a reason. Two out of ten believe that the difficulty of finding a home that fits their needs makes them stay in their current home. Only 15 percent state concern about rising interest rates as an obstacle to moving.

    — Halfway through the mandate period, we are now calling for concrete political promises on measures that can increase mobility on the housing market, so that more people can change homes as needed. The recent discussions about a reformulated amortization requirement are a concrete example that could make a big difference for many, says Marcus Svanberg.

    New study: Every fifth labor immigrant is out of work


    Published 5 October 2024 at 12.21

    Domestic. A fifth of so-called labor immigrants in Sweden have no job and no registered earned income at all, shows a comprehensive new study.

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    The study is based on data on those registered in the population from the period 2000-2023 and highlights both successes and «significant challenges».

    — The most surprising finding is that such a large proportion of those who came here to work did not have any visible income. We can only speculate on how this group makes a living, since they also do not receive subsidies to any great extent, says Erik Sjödin at the Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University.

    The 2008 reform of labor immigration, which is often described as one of the world's most liberal regulations, changed the focus from government examination of the need for labor to employer demand. It led to a marked increase in labor immigrants, but has also brought with it major problems.

    — The regulation is designed to meet the need for labor and enable livelihoods. But when such a large proportion of labor immigrants are without income, we have to ask ourselves the question whether the system really works as it is supposed to, says Erik Sjödin in a dispatch.

    An important result of the study is that the regulation, which has been reviewed several times since 2008, needs further tightening to ensure that all migrant workers work in accordance with their work permits. Erik Sjödin highlights the need for increased control of the immigrants' work situation.

    — It is necessary that we can follow up and ensure that the work permits are not only a formal requirement, but also that those who come here to work really have employment that enables livelihood.

    Gang leader guest at Jimmie Åkesson's wedding


    Published 5 October 2024 at 12.35

    Domestic. The news that a leader of a criminal gang was a guest at Jimmie Åkesson's media­high­marked­same wedding this week continues to spark debate. Now the Social Democrats want to call Säpo to the justice committee to answer how security can be guaranteed for leading politicians who party with criminals.

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    Robert Hedarv is president of it criminal MC gang Comanches, which is on Säpo's list of criminal gangs and is compared to competitors such as Hells Angels and Bandidos.

    Expressen revealed this week that he was a guest at Jimmie Åkesson's wedding last Saturday, where also Deputy Prime Minister Ebba Busch (KD) participated.

    The reason why he was allowed to come to the wedding was, according to the party, that Hedarv is Mattias Karlsson's ex-wife's new criminal boyfriend.

    Now the Social Democrats plan to call Säpo to the Riksdag justice committee to answer questions about how «security» can be guaranteed for leading politicians who party with representatives of organized crime in the future.

    — It is of course deeply inappropriate and unacceptable that some of Sweden's highest-ranking politicians party with, or even close to, the gang criminal environment, says Annika Strandhäll (S) to Expressen.

    — It is about the safety of the ultimate state leadership, and ultimately about protecting our democracy.

    Expressen columnist Viktor Barth-Kron assesses that the fact that Jimmie Åkesson invited a leader of a criminal network to his wedding comes with a political price. Not least because SD is trying to sell itself to the voters as a party that has a hard line against crime, immigration and the like.

    «The success is largely based on the fact that SD is perceived to have a credible policy in the public eye right now most prioritized issue — the fight against crime,» writes Barth-Kron.

    Sweden can eradicate the eel — to benefit 200 landowners


    Published 5 October 2024 at 13.02

    Domestic. Despite the fact that the eel is acutely threatened with extinction, the government opened the door last spring to maintain the commercial eel fishery, which is currently conducted by around 200 landowners. At the same time, Sweden avoids its obligation to introduce a six-month ban on commercial eel fishing — by putting the ban in the middle of winter.

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    Eel fishing is banned for ordinary people in Sweden since the beginning of the 2000s, but the ban does not apply to landowners in sparsely populated areas with a special permit, which they received because they have traditionally fished endangered eels.

    The professional fishermen with permits are now usually older men who carry out fishing as an additional livelihood alongside forestry or other livelihoods associated with extensive land ownership, and it was thought that eel fishing would disappear in connection with these fishermen becoming too old to fish for eels . No new permits are granted.

    But this spring, Ulf Kristersson's government suddenly tasked the Norwegian Sea and Water Authority with ensuring that eel fishing permits can be «inherited».

    The initiative came from sparsely populated politicians from the Center Party who proposed that new permits should be granted. According to the politicians, the presence or absence of the eel cannot be allowed to govern the Swedish regulations in the area.

    «A living coast and archipelago, a promotion of small businesses and a continuation of small-scale lake fishing and coastal fishing — a living cultural heritage — are also important values», it was said, among other things, in a parliamentary motion.

    During the time when the convicted eel fisherman PM Nilsson was Ulf Kristersson's state secretary, the government worked out a method for Sweden to circumvent its obligation to introduce a six-month ban on eel fishing in the Baltic Sea, a rule that the EU has introduced, by Sweden placing the ban between the October 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. The ban was condemned as a scam by environmental organizations.

    «There is no eel fishing between January and March in Swedish waters», stated the World Wide Fund for Nature, among other things.

    WWF wanted the stop to be placed instead during July-December during the eel spawning migration, but also when the landowners want to fish mostly eels.

    The statistics show that Swedish landowners intend to continue fishing for eels if they are not stopped by force. In recent years, Swedish fisheries inspectors have taken up over a thousand illegal eel catches, and in many cases it is precisely family traditions and descent from wealthy Swedish land-owning families when eel fishing is discovered.

    «If you have always fished for eels, which you have in Karlskrona archipelago, have always set hooks, lures and illuminated them with a lamp at night, then eel fishing is a natural part of life itself, like fishing for perch, explained Kristersson's state secretary PM Nilsson in a post on social media in 2008, where he judged out the ban as a «distant EU ban».

    When he himself was later forced to resign after being caught for illegal eel fishing, he expressed surprise that the local authorities chose to proceed with the report despite his family ties to landowner in the locality.

    «I have been fishing for eels since childhood and belong to the southern Swedish eel fishing culture», thundered PM Nilsson in vain before he was forced to resign.

    The forecast: Northvolt goes bankrupt on October 12


    Published 5 October 2024 at 15.01

    Economy. Sustainability giant Northvolt must pay 62 million in taxes and fees by October 14, otherwise the board will be responsible for the company's debts. Assessors therefore believe that the board will file for bankruptcy shortly before then.

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    The board's regular members Carl-Erik Lagercrantz, Susanna Campbell, Tom Johnstone and Barbara Frei- Spreiter will suffer personal liability if the company does not pay by October 14 at the latest. Otherwise, a restructuring or bankruptcy application must be submitted before then.

    — The basic tip is that there will be suspended payments and bankruptcy, says Magnus Henrekson, professor of economics, to Aftonbladet.

    Total Northvolt pays 62.1 million to the Tax Agency, of which 28.2 million relates to employer contributions and 33.9 million is deducted tax.

    However, Northvolt can also apply for company restructuring and if a court thinks that the company has long-term viability then shall it grant the application. Then the company does not have to pay its debts.

    However, the legislation is in practice a fiasco and most companies that are granted restructuring still go bankrupt in the end.

    Green conversion

    • Green bangs: Tens of billions missing as Northvolt heads for bankruptcy
    • < li class="views-row views-row-2 views-row-even arrow"> The Verdict of Northvolt: Cannot Survive

    • 1,600 fired by Northvolt
    • Trump victory in the US could be a heavy blow to battery factories and green steel
    • Kristersson: The state will not join Northvolt

    Show all

    Du kan nu nämna personer i din WhatsApp-status


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    WhatsApp-status är nu mer intim med “Status Likes” och “Privata omnämnanden.” Den senaste WhatsApp-uppdateringen låter användare gilla en kontakts status eller nämna personer i en status som de skapar. Den Metaägda snabbmeddelandeplattformen Beta-testade dessa funktioner i veckor innan den globala lanseringen. Statusgilla- och omnämnanden är live i WhatsApps mobil- och webbapplikationer. 

    Användare kan gilla status genom att trycka på hjärtikonen bredvid svarsrutan. När du gillar en status visas en grön hjärtaikon – endast synlig för skaparen – bredvid ditt namn i statusvisningslistan. Liksom Instagram Stories kommer WhatsApp inte att ha en räknare för statusgilla. Det betyder att kreatörer inte ser det totala antalet tittare som gillade deras status. Du måste räkna dina statusgilla-markeringar manuellt för att få den siffran.


      WhatsApp låter också användare nämna upp till fem personer på en status. När du nämns i en status meddelar WhatsApp dig privat (om omnämnandet) i “Chattar” flik.

      Du kan redigera och dela en status som du nämns i med din publik. WhatsApp döljer dock skaparens identitet för integritetssyften. Personer som tittar på den vidaredelade statusen (eller andra personer som nämns i samma status) kommer inte att veta att du nämndes.

      Intressant nog säger WhatsApp att alla kan nämna dig i en status, även personer som inte finns i dina kontakter. Till exempel kan personer som du delar en grupp eller grupp med nämna dig i en status. Blockering eller rapportering av någon hindrar dem från att nämna dig. Alternativt kan du arkivera eller stänga av din chatt med personen för att sluta ta emot aviseringar om statusomnämnanden.

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      Sweden's embassy is moved back to Beirut


      Published 4 October 2024 at 08.18

      Foreign. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now decided that Sweden's embassy in Lebanon — which for security reasons has been located in Nicosia, Cyprus since 3 August — will resume operations on site in Beirut again.

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      In October 2023, the Foreign Ministry issued the strictest advisory for Lebanon. The Foreign Ministry has therefore for almost a whole year advised against all travel to Lebanon and urged all Swedish citizens in Lebanon to leave the country.

      For security reasons, the Swedish embassy staff sent by the Foreign Ministry has been working from Cyprus since August 3, 2024. During the entire time, the embassy has offered consular support for Swedish citizens who wanted to leave Lebanon, including through the possibility of consular financial assistance according to the regulations for Swedish citizens residing in Sweden who wanted to leave Lebanon by plane but lacked money for a ticket.

      «The demand for consular support has been low», notes the Foreign Ministry, however.

      There are still commercial flights from Lebanon, but the booking pressure is severe. Swedish citizens are still urged to book plane tickets and leave the country.

      Embassy personnel are now being relocated to Beirut, in order to be able to more easily follow the development of events on the ground in the escalated situation — together with other countries. The main aim is to, alongside the support already offered through, for example, the possibility of consular financial assistance according to the regulations, to be prepared to assist Swedish citizens who need a passport to be able to leave Lebanon.

      «The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will return with information about when the embassy staff is on site. The intention is that this will happen shortly», writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.