Kristersson builds own «situation room»


Published 2 September 2024 at 11.18

Domestic. The government wants to build its own battle command center in Rosenbad with inspiration from examples such as The Situation Room in the White House and British «Cabinet office briefing rooms». That's what Svenska Dagbladet writes.

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The room is to function as the highest political command center «in serious situations across the entire threat scale», it says in a document taken by SvD part of.

The command center is to be housed in the Cabinet Committee building, in practice it will probably be somewhere in the culverts under Ulf Kristersson's office.

According to SvD, several «important people» have been called to a meeting about the new war command center. All of them «possess knowledge and ideas that are valuable for the project», as stated in the invitation, according to the newspaper.

According to the government's «national security adviser» Henrik Landerholm, the background is as usual that the situation around the world has changed.

p>- It is a serious technical development that means we need to strengthen and modernize our ability to monitor the environment, he says.

There is already an office for crisis management today and it is unclear whether the new center will replace the old one.

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