Billström disagreed with Kristersson about letting SD control Israel policy


Published 5 September 2024 at 19.59

Domestic. A conflict with Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson over SD's extremely pro-Israel stance is pointed out as one of the reasons for Billström's defection, writes Aftonbladet.

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TwittraShare< p>The main reason for the resignation is, according to the newspaper, a conflict over appointing a new cabinet secretary (state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FT's note) which the SD opposed, but also the SD's uncompromising support for Israel, which Billström did not want to himself behind, must have been significant for the resignation.

Billström must have advocated a line that emphasizes humanitarian law and balance, according to Aftonbladet, but was overruled by Kristersson's «coordinating office», which coordinates the government's work with the Sweden Democrats, who demanded full support for Israel.

On the Israel-Palestine issue, the Moderates have traditionally taken a more balanced line than the other Tidö parties, not least through Prime Minister and later Foreign Minister Carl Bildt.

Within KD, on the other hand, has allowed its Middle East policy to be shaped by its Christian Zionist voters, within L by its many Jewish voters and within SD by a fear of being seen as anti-Semitic, especially in light of the party's Nazi roots.

– I think that Israel is a litmus test for nationalists. If you are a nationalist and support Israel, then you are kosher. If you are a nationalist and against Israel, then there may be more behind it that is not so nice, SD's EU parliamentarian Charlie Weimers recently explained to Fokus.