AutoHotkey 2.0.12


AutoHotkey logo (48 pix) Versie 2.0.12 van AutoHotkey is uitgekomen. Dit programma stelt je in staat om vaak gebruikte toetsaanslagen, handelingen en/of knoppencombo’s met toetsenbord en muis in een script achter een sneltoets te zetten, zodat de betreffende handeling in één keer wordt uitgevoerd. Daarbij is het mogelijk om eerder gescripte toetscombinaties van AutoIt2 te converteren naar de scripttaal van AutoHotkey. Versie 2.0 bevat een nieuwe commandoset die veel gestructureerder is, maar die niet compatibel is met versie 1.1. Meer over de verschillen tussen 1.1 en 2.0 kan op deze pagina worden gevonden. In deze uitgave zijn de volgende verbeteringen aangebracht:

Changes in version 2.0.12:

  • Fixed Gui GetPos/GetClientPos when Gui has an owner window or +DPIScale.
  • Fixed Until preventing subfolder recursion in file loops.
  • Fixed DllCall to throw when arg type is UStr.
  • Fixed a memory leak occurring for each regex callout.
  • Fixed Send erroneously releasing a modifier due to a race condition. For example, ~LAlt::Send “{Blind}x” intermittently released LAlt if some other keyboard hook was installed more recently than the script’s own hook.
  • Fixed icon loader to prefer higher bit-depth when multiple bitmaps of the same size are present.
  • Fixed SendInput failing to release LCtrl if it had already released RAlt and the layout does not have AltGr.
  • Fixed key-up hotkeys not firing if the key repeats after modifiers change. For example, F1::Send “{Ctrl down}” should allow F1 up:: to execute when the key is released even though Ctrl is down, but was not allowing it after key-repeat occurs.
  • Fixed an error message to refer to #HotIf rather than #IfWin. [PR #327]
  • Fixed OwnProps erroneously skipping properties with optional parameters.
  • Fixed inconsistent behaviour of cloned dynamic properties.
    • OwnProps not skipping cloned properties which require parameters.
    • Parameters not being passed recursively to parameterless properties (i.e. to allow a.b[x] to evaluate as (a.b)[x]).
  • Fixed SysGetIPAddresses causing a Critical Error when the network subsystem is non-functional; e.g. in Windows safe mode.
  • Changed ControlGetFocus to return 0 when focus can’t be determined, such as when a console window is active.

AutoHotkey 2.0