State “Sweden course” to make immigrants Swedes


Published 19 March 2023 at 21.59

Domestic. A mandatory “Sweden course” where you learn to celebrate Midsummer, apply for a mortgage you can't afford and split the bill when you go to a restaurant? What the content will be is unclear, but somehow a government course will now “teach” immigrants how to live like a real Swede, the government wants.

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– It is very important that it is mandatory. It is a signal that; welcome to Sweden, here are the rules, now we're driving, says the Liberal party leader, integration minister Johan Pehrson, to Ekot.

The course must end with an exam and be more comprehensive than the teaching offered today.


Johan Pehrson tells Ekot that the course is a high priority for the Liberals

– We believe it is absolutely crucial for integration. If people want to have a chance in Sweden, and we want that, then you have to understand how Sweden works, says Johan Pehrson to Ekot.

The Sweden Democrats also support the idea of ​​a “Sweden course”.
