App Store gets more advertising: this is what it looks like


Since spring 2019 you will also find advertisements for apps in the Dutch App Store, separately from the displayed apps that have been selected by the App Store editors. The ad initially appeared only after entering a search query, but over a year ago, more ads were added to the App Store Search tab. Meanwhile, Apple is looking even further where App Store advertisements can be shown in a subtle way. To MacRumors, among others, Apple says that they will soon show advertisements for apps on, among other things, the Today tab, say the front page or window of the App Store.

App Store advertising comes to Today -page

Apple will soon start showing the new ads in the App Store with some developers. These appear on the Today tab, the first page you see when you open the App Store. On this page, Apple publishes new App Store stories every day, highlighting apps by the App Store team. But in addition to the specially selected apps, apps also appear in the form of an advertisement. The difference is that one developer paid for this specific position, while the rest of the pages were hand-picked by the App Store team.

Advertising at the bottom of an app page (links) the Today tab (on the right), both recognizable by the blue word Ad (Advertising in Dutch).

The advertisements will be recognizable by the blue word advertisement, but otherwise the advertisements for apps on the Today tab look the same as the other apps shown. If you have enabled personalized advertising at Apple, you will notice that the apps shown match your preferences. If you turn this off, you will still see ads for apps, but they are less tailored to your taste.

In addition to the Today tab, there will be an extra place where Apple will show advertisements. At the bottom of an App Store page of an app you will already find a Suggestions for you heading. Here are more similar apps, based on the type of app on the page you're currently viewing. But there will also be advertisements here soon. In addition to the word advertising, these can also be recognized by the blue frame. Apple already makes the same distinction with the Search tab and the search function.

Current App Store advertising.

Whether it really bothers you as a user seems a bit exaggerated. Basically the App Store is one big advertisement for apps, despite the selection shown has been independently chosen by the App Store team. But you will not soon encounter a critical note in an App Store story.

Why more commercials now?
Apple emphasizes in a statement that you only see ads for apps that are approved for the App Store. So you will not be sent to a random website if you tap on such ad. Apple says user privacy is guaranteed. The reason that Apple is now opting for more advertising in the App Store may be because the App Store has been under fire for some time. In several countries it is being investigated whether Apple has a dominant position and many developers are also angry about this. More advertising in the App Store can then be seen as a sop. Apple can then show that they do give something back to developers. In the press release, Apple has therefore found a developer who wanted to make positive statements about the advertisements. The developer of the AllTrails app says the app's ads helped them attract new users. It's an important part of the company's growth, according to the maker.

While no exact timing has been announced yet, we believe the new commercials will appear sometime in the coming weeks. It is not yet entirely clear whether they can also be seen immediately in the Dutch App Store. We do expect that the commercials will eventually be shown in the Netherlands.

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Turn off personalized advertising from Apple, you can show personalized advertising in this way

Apple its own apps. In this tip we explain where you can see the advertising and how to disable the personalized advertising.