Sunday question: How do you see the current development of games?


PC games offer better and better graphics with even higher-resolution textures, more and more ray tracing and gigantic game worlds, but huge Day 1 patches combined with sometimes dubious quality control are piling up. How do you see the current technical development of the games?

Table of contents

  1. 1 How do you see the current development of the Games?
    1. How satisfied are you with the graphic development?
    2. How satisfied are you with the technical implementation?
    3. How satisfied are you with the quality control?
    4. li>

    5. Do you still buy games at full price?
  2. Participation is expressly encouraged
    1. The last ten Sunday questions
  3. < li>The community's Sunday question

    1. Do you primarily play AAA or indie games?

How do you see the current development of games?

Computer games in 2022 are often something for the eye and come with increasingly realistic and/or complex graphics as well as more and more often with real-time ray tracing calculated light rays, reflections and reflections in FHD, WQHD and 4K on the monitor of the players. Upscaling technologies such as AMD FSR and Nvidia DLSS counteract the resulting hardware hunger, which should not be underestimated.

More on the subject: AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution

  • AMD explains FSR 2.0 in detail
  • AMD FSR 2.0 will be released in Q2 2022
  • Cyberpunk 2077 supports AMD FSR with patch 1.5

Even if Nvidia's DLSS 2.x is still superior to an AMD FSR in terms of looks and performance, the cards are being reshuffled again with FSR 2.0.

More on the subject: Nvidia DLSS

  • God of War in the test with DLSS and FSR
  • Nvidia DLSS 2.0 convinces in the first test
  • DLSS and FSR in direct comparison

How satisfied are you with the technical implementation of current computer games? Is it all going too fast for you, or maybe not fast enough? How do you rate the graphical progress and how do you think the content quality of current titles is? Detailed justifications in the comments on this Sunday question are expressly desired!

How satisfied are you with the graphic development?

The graphics of current computer games make the start . How do you rate the average graphic quality of the latest titles?

How satisfied are you with the graphic development of current games?

  • 1 (very happy)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 (very dissatisfied)
  • < li class="poll__form-li poll__form-li--abstain"> Abstention (show result)

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Gamers generally expect the graphics of current games to appear correspondingly modern and realistic. But there are also other aspects that are essential for a good game.

How satisfied are you with the technical implementation?

How do you rate the technical implementation of current computer games ? Ray tracing is being used more and more often and upscaling technologies keep the hardware hunger within limits, but is that enough for you or does a lot more have to happen?

How satisfied are you with the technical implementation of current games?

  • 1 (very satisfied)
  • 2
  • 3
  • < li class="poll__form-li"> 4

  • 5
  • 6 (very dissatisfied)
  • Abstain (Show result)

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Games that are graphically and technically well implemented now more and more often have a memory requirement of 50 to 150 gigabytes and still receive huge day 1 patches with great regularity. But what does that say about the quality control of current games?

How satisfied are you with the quality control?

Huge open-world role-playing games, such as Cyberpunk 2077 (test), are increasingly coming to the player with smaller and larger bugs at the time of their release. How do you rate this development?

How satisfied are you with the quality control of current games?

  • 1 (very happy)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6 (very dissatisfied)
  • Abstention (show result)

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After an alpha and beta phase and a possible early access, many games are still not error-free or at least free of gross blunders, which is why a purchase at full price – which is often at 50 euros and more – should be well considered by now.

Are you still buying games at full price?

Depending on how you assess the development of current games, do you still buy new games at full price or do you wait for correspondingly reduced offers?

Do you still buy games at full price?

  • I usually buy my games at full price
  • I am buying fewer and fewer of my games at Full price
  • I mostly only buy my games when they are on sale
  • I only buy reduced games in the sale
  • Abstain (show result)

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Where do you see the biggest problems, but also the biggest potential in the development of computer games in 2022? Which bugs absolutely need to be fixed and what should game developers focus more on in the future? What annoys you and what gives you hope? Can you name particularly positive and negative examples of the current titles?

Which developer and publisher is doing a particularly good job and from which studio do you no longer buy games at all?


Participation is expressly desired

The editors would be very happy to receive well-founded and detailed reasons for your decisions in the comments on the current Sunday question.

Readers who have not yet participated in the last Sunday question can like to do this again. Exciting discussions are still going on in the ComputerBase forum, especially on the last surveys.

The last ten Sunday questions

  • WWW, Web 2.0 and Web3: How and when did you first go online?
  • Sunday question: Do you optimize your gaming PCs with the help of OC and UV?
  • Sunday question: VR gaming was, is and will always be something for the niche, right?
  • Sunday question: What's it called actually your RGB boss?
  • Sunday question: Who else do Napster, KazaA, eDonkey and eMule say?
  • Sunday question: Have you ever owned a graphics card with a dual GPU?
  • li>

  • Sunday question: Which Sunday question would you like to have?
  • Sunday question: Is open source an alternative for you?
  • Sunday question: Windows Defender offers sufficient protection, doesn't it?
  • Sunday question: Which architecture was more groundbreaking: Zen or Core?
  • Sunday question: PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo?
  • Sunday question: The future is games from the cloud! Or maybe not?
  • Sunday question: Windows 11 or still Windows 10 and why?

You have ideas for an interesting Sunday question? The editors are always happy to receive suggestions and submissions.

Update 05/01/2022 8:17 p.m p class=”p text-width”>Once again, a question made it out of the comments in the ComputerBase forum to the community's Sunday question. This time ComputerBase reader “Syrato” provided the editors with the idea for an additional survey.

Do you primarily play AAA or indie games?

Measured by your game ideas, the quality and their control as well as their often alternative gameplay, games from the mostly smaller indie developers are also very popular with some players. But how do you see it, do you primarily play AAA or indie games?

Do you primarily play AAA or indie games?

  • I primarily play AAA games
  • I primarily play indie games
  • I play both equally
  • Abstain (Show result)

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How do you rate the quality of AAA and indie games? Does one of the two genres pay more attention to quality control or don't they give each other much?

Which games pay more attention to quality control?

  • AAA games appear in better quality
  • Indie games appear in better quality
  • I am satisfied with both the AAA and indie game quality
  • Both the AAA and the Indie games mostly lack quality at release
  • Abstain (show result)

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The editors would like to thank the community for the lively participation in the surveys on the Sunday question and for the numerous comments on the topic.

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