Arla's organic milk is “Food scam of the year”


Published 26 January 2022 at 12.26

Consumer. For the first time, misleading climate marketing takes home the real price of antiques. With the phrase “Net zero climate footprint”, Arla's organic milk combs the award for Food Scam of the Year 2021.

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By a reassuring margin, Arla's organic milk, with “Net zero climate footprint”, was voted “winner” of the anti-prize Food Scam of the Year 2021.

In total, the milk received over 30 percent of the votes, which corresponds to 6,862 out of 22,244 votes.

– The bluff is a little different than in previous years because it is the actual marketing of the milk as climate neutral that is considered bluff, says Björn Bernhardson, operations manager at the consumer association Äkta vara, which awards the award, in a press release.

The front of Arla's organic milk is adorned with a logo that reads: “Net zero climate footprint”, which according to Äkta vara can lead consumers to believe that the milk has no “climate impact”. However, there are no interventions that can be made in a milk production process to make the milk “climate neutral”.

However, Arla claims that their efforts to bind and/or counteract carbon dioxide emissions mean that they can still use the expression Net zero climate footprint on its organic products, such as milk, filet and cream.

The Consumer Ombudsman (KO) thinks differently, however, and has previously sued Arla before the Patent and Market Court. The case has not yet been decided.