Reinfeldt gave a speech for the Iranian People's Mujahedin


Published 23 January 2022 at 17.19

Abroad. Sweden's former Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) gave a speech this week for the People's Mujahedin – which was previously classified as a terrorist organization by both the EU and the US.

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Together with some other ex-politicians, Fredrik Reinfeldt attended a conference in Auvers-sur-Oise north of Paris on Monday.

The conference was organized by the Iranian National Resistance Council (NCRI), an umbrella organization for Iranian opposition groups dominated by the political organization People's Mujahedin (MEK).

MEK was classified until 2012 as a terrorist group by the EU, and until 2009 by the United States. The organization is still branded terrorist by Iraq and Iran.

The Swedish state believes that former members of MEK should not receive Swedish citizenship because it is an “organization about which it is known that the activities include systematic, comprehensive and aggravated assault “.

During his speech, Fredrik Reinfeldt accused the Iranian regime of “abusing Islam and religion”. He also praised the organizers of the conference.

– You stand for a different view of Islam, a democratic and advanced view that strives for freedom, equality, justice and individual freedom of choice.

Reinfeldt's behavior has been noted on Twitter by Member of Parliament Hanif Bali (M), who is leaving politics after the election this autumn: