Region Gotland requires a 12-year-old of 2.7 million


Published 21 November 2021 at 14.48

Domestic. Region Gotland demands SEK 2.7 million in damages from the 12-year-old boy who was behind an IT attack on the region's IT system at the beginning of the year.

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The boy has admitted in police interrogation that he persuaded his father to buy a service for him that could be used in IT attacks.

– I tricked my dad that it was a Minecraft server thing, said the 12-year-old.

In a chat, the boy told a friend that it only took him half an hour to get past Region Gotland's protection against congestion attacks. Both the region's IT system and Gotland's Media's site were attacked during the IT attack.

Now the region has sent a letter of demand to the boy – of SEK 2.7 million.

The demand includes purchased consulting services and software for just over SEK 2.2 million and own work that corresponds to almost half a million kronor. Everything to stop the IT attacks, reports P4 Gotland.

– The guardian has a very limited liability for damages so it falls on the child and then this is a debt he has to carry with him all his life, says 12- the year's legal representative Shantu Wahlgren to P4.