Tens of thousands follow the Chinese scrap rocket


Published 8 May 2021 at 19.32

Space. Tens of thousands of people are currently following the broken Chinese space rocket that is expected to crash into Earth on Sunday night.

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Rocket Long March 5B, which was designated 48275 by the joint US-Canadian military command Norad, is not believed to strike at sea, according to the latest calculations.

According to the EU: However, with the EU SST Space Surveillance Unit, it is far from certain that no one on the ground will be harmed. Large slings of the trajectory that the confidence interval around the estimated impact site gives rise to are namely over land.

There is still a risk that the rocket will strike in, for example, Europe, the USA or the Middle East. However, there seems to be no risk of the Chinese rocket hitting China.

China's space debris

  • Chinese rocket could crash in Europe