Visit to Celebration in the Iranian Embassy: “Regret nothing”


That Niels Annen has participated in an anniversary celebration in the Iranian Embassy, heated tempers. Now, the Minister of state to justify for the visit and criticised the US policy towards Iran.

The SPD politician and Minister of state at the Federal foreign office Niels Annen had been invited at the beginning of last week, the 40. The anniversary of the takeover of the Islamists in Iran, to join in the celebrations. And he accepted the invitation.

That’s exactly why a dispute has flared up. Although you may assume that the SPD-man is far from the Regime of the Mullahs, since 40 years in Iran for murders, torture and oppression, to approve. But he expresses not just with his participation, questions, critics? Or why else would a state Minister to such an event?

“Dialogue open”

Niels Annen is justified in the DW-Interview for participation and refers to the mutual diplomatic relations, but also the critical approach of the Federal government with the Mullah Regime. “We are talking with Iran – under pressure – also on the regional policy, through support for terrorist organizations, which are aligned, for example, against Israel.”

It is important, therefore, to remain always in conversation, even on events like the Iranian Embassy: “We need to keep Open the Dialogue with Tehran. I’m not convinced of this a Maximum-Pressure strategy of the United States, and that’s why I regret nothing.”

11. February, Iran celebrated the 40. The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

The US Ambassador criticized the visit in the Embassy

Germany and the USA on the issue of Iran on the cross, is not new. It was only the weekend
Speech of US Vice-President Mike Pence at the Munich security conference again. The Annen-mentioned Maximum Pressure strategy refers mainly to the question of sanctions, as well as the continuation of the nuclear agreement with Iran.

The US Ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, interferes with, obviously, to Annens visit to the Embassy. The close to put his Comments in the U.S. news portal Fox News: “The need to want a dialogue, not to merge with the participation in an event, in the 40 years of brutality to be celebrated,” says Grenell.

SPD-man Annen know the points of dispute between Germany and the United States – and emphasized in the DW-Interview: “We are discussing the points on which we disagree. This is also in order. But we should not forget that together we are of the opinion that Iran must change its foreign policy.”

“Tasteless, and history forgot”

Bijan Djir-Sarai, a foreign policy spokesman for the second largest opposition party, the FDP in the German Bundestag, makes in the Interview is clear that he has basically nothing that the Federal government meets with the Iranian Ambassador to the style it would be. “This was an event, or, I would almost say ‘Party’, on the occasion of 40 years of victory of the Islamic Revolution,” Djir-Sarai. “This is tasteless, and history forget. A bit more distance would have done well. Niels Annen has plenty of other opportunities to conduct a dialogue with Iran”.

In addition, one should not forget that in such events on a regular basis to the USA and Israel-critical slogans. “A German Secretary of state, sends a fatal message”, so in 1976 in Tehran-born Djir-Sarai. Also people Anna the right to criticize activists. Christian Zimmermann, editor of the “Spotlight of human rights”, writes to the DW, the German government had decided to “continue to shake the bloody hands of the representatives of the Regime”.

How much closeness, how much distance Berlin seeks to Tehran, will be observed in Washington. The Iranian Regime is under increasing pressure from the United States – politically and economically. Iran wants to maneuver out of this Defensive and düfrte advertise therefore, particularly in Europe, continue to support.