Pain relief: The worst insect bites in the world


If you think that wasp stings hurt, then beware of the Tropical giant ant! The Schmidt Sting Pain Index rates the pain of insect bites cause, on a scale of 1 to 4.

Are you annoyed enjoy the wasp hordes, trying on every plunge, a nice meal Outdoors? We can well understand!

However, if the wasps in General are rather unpopular, the sting of the wasp-pain in this country is comparable to the free – Allergy-free excluded, of course. The views of the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, named after its developer, the entomologist Justin Schmidt.

Schmidt worked as a study leader at the Southwest Biological Institute (SBSC) and studied the chemical defenses of ants, bees and wasps. A painful matter, because during his research work, he was stung by about 150 different species of insects.

In order to keep track of things, began Schmidt in the 1960s with a categorization of the different stitches, sorted according to induced suffering. In particular, the exact duration and intensity of each stitch, he noted. In addition, Schmidt described the pain felt in his own, humorous art.

For this sacrificial performance, he was awarded the 2015 Ig Nobel prize. The award is sometimes referred to as the Anti-Nobel prize honors achievements that “people first Laugh, then Think.”

Pain level 1:

Who is crying here, is a real wimp. The pain of an insect’s trick of stage 1, passes within five minutes and has no significant intensity. In this category, the stitches of the furry bee.

If any of these encounter, as Schmidt describes it as “almost pleasant” and “like a lover who has something nibbled too hard on the earlobe” is perceived, however, is questionable.

Similar to tenderly Schmidt describes the sting of the blood, bee. He was “light, ephemeral, almost fruity. As if a tiny spark ansengt a single hair on the Arm.”

Despite its bloodthirsty Name of the stitch of the blood of the bee is hardly noticeable

Pain level 2:

Now it starts to be uncomfortable. A trick from a category Two, on average, five to ten minutes painful. In this pain class most of the traps Hymenoptera-stings, and here we find our wasp again. Your engraving is, according to Justin Schmidt of the “rich, hearty and hot.”

Also, if the honey bee is much more popular, your stitch is at least as painful as a wasp

Less cordial words he finds for the honey bee, similar to stitch a “broken match head, the burns on your skin.”

Pain level 3:

So slowly it is critical. Level 3 tricks to catch, really, really do hurt and for up to 30 minutes. “Corrosive, burning and relentless. As if someone used a drill to an ingrown toenail, or pour it in a Cup with hydrochloric acid on a cut” – this is the comment of Justin Schmidt is a wasp the sting of the Ants.

Whether this description is really helpful? Finally, it is not poured every once of hydrochloric acid on a cut.Nevertheless, it is clear that the velvet Ant is not to be trifled with!

Pain level 4:

The King Class. Here, only the really brutal, debilitating pain. A member of this elite club of the tarantula hawk, a species of parasitoid wasp that hunts tarantulas. Your stitch is “fierce, dazzling, terrible electrically. As if someone makes a running hair dryer into your bubble bath.”

Hair dryer and a bathtub that doesn’t sound that good. Fortunately, this pain explosion does not seem to last very long, after five minutes they sounds.

The tarantula hawk hunts tarantulas and up to five Zentimtern the largest wasp in the world

Quite different in the case of the Tropical giant ant, the way to match the name of the 24-hour ant. She is the Queen of pain. Your stitch is tormenting their victims – you guessed it – for up to 24 hours with “pure, intense, brilliant pain. As if running over hot coals, and a seven-centimeter-long rusty nail in the heel has stuck.” In English this type is also called a “Bullet Ant”. Why? Also, this comparison only few can understand, but your stitch should be as painful as a gunshot wound.

May we introduce? The Queen of the insect bites – tropical giant ant, or 24-hour ant

Anyone who feels these ratings as subjective, is right, of course. Because each person has a sense of individual pain. Depending on the respective genetic basic equipment, the materials, for example, the nature of the tissue or the metabolism of Vectors, so-called neurotransmitters. Also the Psyche of the Individual and the respective form on the day play a role. For example, a negative mood amplifies the sensation of pain, a positive attenuates it.

Nevertheless, Schmidt stands there with this sensation of pain is not alone. The entomologist Christopher K. Starr has developed in the 1980s, a pain scale (“A simple pain scale for field comparison of hymenopteran stings”). The result is a Rigid and Schmidt have stitches, the same Insect as the nastiest of all the identified.

What have you in stitches from all the Knowledge on the pain potential of insects? Well, you may consider the next wasp sting – it could have been (much) more painful. And one more tip: distraction helps. Previous investigations have shown. Not only in children but also in adults, the attention and expectation plays a crucial role. Pain will only be intense, if we focus on him.

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    Author: Hannah Fox