IBM presents mainframe for medium-sized companies


IBM brings mainframe for medium-sized companies and emerging markets. Where a high-end IBM mainframe soon more than a million dollar cost, the zEnterprise, IBM’s 114 from $ 75,000 will be purchased.

With its latest mainframe targets IBM on the market for medium-sized companies and emerging markets. The last IBM mainframe in the lower price range, the z10 Business Class, the cost is still $ 100,000. IBM promises that the performance of the new mainframe 25 percent higher than that of its predecessor.

The zEnterprise 114 may include support for a new version of IBM’s operating system, z/OS, which, according to Big Blue, among others, about new encryption and foutopsporingsfeatures. The mainframe has fourteen processors on board and ten of them can specific tasks be assigned to. So can processors be configured to handle data, to java and xml workloads to process or to run Linux.