PvdA-congress vote against free make technical studies


The Labour party takes the proposal for the free of technical studies, not in the election program, so a majority of the congress Saturday decided. The proposal would be contrary to the social democrats.

From all sides sounded the last time the proposal to pay the tuition fee for students of science studies to abolish. The shortage of technically trained personnel is on and the free make of the studies should ensure that the studies become more attractive for young people. Among other things, the employers ‘ organisation of the technical industry and of the Labour party Member of parliament, Ronald Plasterk got behind the idea.

Nevertheless, it was decided by the Labour party the proposal to the tuition fees for beta trials to abolish not to include in the election program. The attendees agreed to 60,5 percent for the amendment to the plan to delete. The amendment suggested that the proposal is misguided and contrary to the principles of social democracy, according to ANP. The proposal would opponents not much more than a ‘proefballonnetje’, in which one study is preferential over the others, mentioned.