Sale cheap arm system Raspberry Pi has started


The sales of the Raspberry Pi minicomputer is launched and the first batch is already sold out. To the production and distribution to accelerate, the foundation behind the arm system to a license agreement with two British companies closed.

The mini-computers are in the presale started and will be delivered as soon as they arrive from China. The developers of cheap computer have the production and distribution out of the hands given by the licenses to provide the British companies Premier Farnell and RS Components. According to the Foundation is the reason that there are so, faster, larger numbers can be produced’. “There can be now as much as need be produced instead of per batch of 10,000 copies,” says the foundation.

Nevertheless, Farnell are first ordered stock is already sold out; RS is asking interested parties to sign up and promises new orders to them to send it by the end of the week. Incidentally, went to the websites of the distributors offline by the great attention.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation wants to ultimately the systeempjes sell to educational institutions, so that the computer has a similar goal as the BBC Micro, in a distant past. With the pre-sale of mini-pc’s to a first group of tweakliefhebbers, hopes the foundation, the computers faster to develop in the field of software and hardware.

The only model that is now sold is model B, 256MB ram, an ethernet port, a 700MHz ARM1176JZF-S processor and two usb ports on a Broadcom BCM2835-SoC-sign. Model A has less usb ports, no ethernet port, but also 256MB. The Raspberry Pi Foundation provides a custom version of Fedora on their web site that can be used on the system with a sd-card.