Russian animation film on Oscar course



Russian animation film on Oscar course

Two cosmonauts and their love for All: that’s what “We Can’t Live Without Cosmos”. The Russian short film by Konstantin Bronzit as the Underdog in the race for the Oscar.

It is quick, experienced strokes with those of Konstantin Bronzit signed his two heroes, on thin transparent paper. Two heads, one rectangular, one round, to a wider body. On the illuminated Zeichenpult many layers of paper. Only in small Details, the drawings differ. Quick scroll brings the characters to life: Suddenly an Arm moves, the facial features change. Simple stick figure get feelings and personalities. Of this magic bronzite is intrigued, since he can remember. “Earlier in school, when all outside playing football, I was inside and drew a thumb cinema,” says the 50-Year-old with the shaved head and the small Ring in the left ear of the DW. “I had no choice. It was as if someone from above would have said: become a Animator! And so I am become one!”

Four years of work for a brainstorm

For the second Time a Film by animator Konstantin Bronzit for the Oscar nominated

The two grinning figures on the Zeichenpult a new Phase that could usher in Constantine Bronzits life. As for his Film, “We Can’t Live Without Cosmos” has been nominated for the Peter Burger now for the Oscar, in the category “Best animated short film”. The strip shows the lives of two fellow cosmonauts. Together, they handle the trials in the training camp, they share a room and sleep together. The drawing style is simple, not abstract or experimental – is reminiscent of a simple Cartoon for kids. Also Bronzits Humor is childlike, sometimes almost silly. Nevertheless, the Director succeeds, serious tones to strike – with it’s very own tragedy. Because: In the rocket only room for one.

Genuine handmade – each image is Hand-drawn

Four years bronzite has worked on his short film. I started with inspiration in the bedroom. “I saw in a dream a picture. I don’t want to call it mystical, but it was puzzling. I woke up and within five minutes I had the complete story”. If Bronzit on 29. February wakes up, he will know whether he has received for his flash of the most coveted film prize in the world. But what the Oscar changed for a Animator? “Not much,” he says, laughing. “For actors in Hollywood, everything is an Oscar in a different way: they are well-known, increase your fees. A Trick film-makers this is not so. This just has to do with the Job.”

Nomination for a fell in love with a bathroom attendant

2009 was already nominated Bronzits Film “Lavatory Lovestory” for the Oscar – a Romance about a bathroom attendant

Nevertheless, the price means a lot to him– the nomination looks bronzite as a confirmation of his work. Mainly because it is already his second. In 2009, bronzite was already nominated for his short film “Lavatory Lovestory”. The Film tells lovingly of a desert a bathroom attendant and their search for a mysterious admirer. Almost completely in Black-and-white and with simple strokes drawn rave of the Film at the time, the critics, the Oscar went to a Japanese short film.

At this time, the bronzite made in Russia, a name. He is head of the animation Studio, Melnitsa Animation, with 250 employees one of the largest in Russia. The drawn cartoons to the part of the real blockbusters are successful. Of course, this is not. Because in the cinema you must stand against the high-gloss productions from the USA. Huge companies such as Disney subsidiary Pixar dominate the market for animation films: with well over a thousand employees, the best technology and the biggest Budgets. The international competition is for bronzite, therefore, a bit like the fight of David against Goliath. “These companies have a step-by-step the best artists, the best engineers in the world. Because the would have to do pretty stupid to make any good movies. For us, it is difficult to keep up.”

Soviet Cartoon-Parallel World

So Bronzit’s race as an Underdog to Oscar. And, even though animated film in Russia is by no means a marginal phenomenon. Especially in the Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1970s, a true cartoon was a parallel world to the Western Disney-universe. Instead of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, ruled here, for example, the plush Cheburashka and crocodile Gena the nursery. Until today, many of these figures in the former Soviet States of cult status.

Tragic: In the rocket the only place for a cosmonaut unfortunately

“Of course I’m influenced by this Tradition,” says Bronzit. “But often the beginning of many Soviet cartoons bother me. They are always instructive, children, what have you to do.” With this pedagogical approach bronzite wants to have nothing to do. The theme of space travel is Bronzit, therefore, not for national pride and heroism, as it is today in Russia is often not the case. Instead, it tells
“We Can’t Live Without Cosmos” is a story about friendship, loss and the eternal dream to fly. A story that could bring the Russian animated film the long-awaited Oscar.