Instagram project honors David Bowie’s last work


Net culture

Instagram project honors David Bowie’s last work

David Bowie’s latest album “Blackstar” convinced Fans and critics worldwide, but the British artist himself experienced the praise no longer. An Instagram channel pays homage to the Album with an unusual project.

10. January 2016 died David Bowie to cancer, but his music lives on forever. Two days before his death, appeared officially at the 25. Studio album with the title ★, talked about the “Blackstar”. Over the years, was his influence on the pop music are gigantic, the whole world betrauerte his death.

Now, honoring the Instagram project “Instaminiseries” this last work with a number of Videos – 16, to be exact. Every single Song on ★ will receive a private 15-second Video, the Song to illustrate. The series of Videos under the title “Unbound” grasping the Cover, the music and the lyrics and take the audience on a moving journey through the last Chapter of the David Bowie story.

The last Time David Bowie

The Producers Carolynn Cecilia and Nikki Borge had early access to the Album and shot the Videos without any restrictions or conditions of Bowie himself. Bowie knew of this idea and supported it, but he mingled not. According to the
Press release considers the Jahrhunderttalent Instagram as an exciting new platform for the storytelling of his Songs to explore.

The Crew of
Unbound presented the 16 Videos in December 2015 finished one month ahead of Bowie’s death. The first Episode is at 25. February online, followed by a further every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

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