
Swedes trust each other more and more

Published December 30, 2024 at 6:17 PM

Cultural news. Three out of four Swedes, 75 percent, think that “people can generally be trusted” – a statistically significant increase of 4 percentage points since last year. This is according to a new Verian survey commissioned by the PR agency Westander.

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– Many debaters have warned of falling trust due to factors such as increased exclusion and political polarization. But trust between people in Sweden is remarkably stable over time, says PR consultant Patrik Westander in a newsletter.

Centre Party voters feel the highest level of social trust. Nine out of ten C voters, 94 percent, think that people can generally be trusted.

Trust is also increasing among Sweden Democrats voters, but SD voters are still the lowest in trust with 56 percent.

Verian conducted the survey on November 8–19, 2024, for the eighth year in a row, as a web-based survey. 1,060 people answered the question “Do you think that people can generally be trusted?”

“Yes” was answered by 75 percent, divided between “absolutely” (7 percent) and “in general” (68 percent). “No” was answered by 23 percent, divided between “not in general” (19 percent) and “absolutely not” (4 percent). “Hesitating, don't know” was the answer of 2 percent.

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