
Aid billions must go to reduced immigration

Published 25 October 2024 at 09.13

Domestic. The government has decided to set aside three billion kroner from the aid budget to reduce immigration to Sweden.

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The measures should be able to include, among other things, border controls abroad and support for reintegration in local labor markets, announced Aid Minister Benjamin Dousa (M) and the Sweden Democrats' Ludvig Aspling.< /p>

– It can also be about people who are in a transit country but on their way to Europe and Sweden. Then maybe we will help them stay in that country, says Benjamin Dousa according to Göteborgs-Posten.

The government's plans also include vocational training for people in countries from which many flee, as well as return centers for those who have returned after rejection on the asylum application. Dousa believes that the support on the ground can reduce the desire to travel to Europe.

The government also wants to link the aid to recipient countries' willingness to cooperate, including forcing them to vote in a certain way in the UN on, for example, the war in Ukraine.


– The aid policy must be a foreign policy tool and be part of the government's overall policy. For example, by tying it to migration policy, which is what we are releasing today, Dousa told GP.

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