S-toppers employed themselves as secretaries

Published 1 October 2024 at 14.24

Domestic. Two top social democratic politicians in Botkyrka, Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz and Yasemin Ergül, have paid themselves as political secretaries – despite this being against the municipality's rules. In this way, they have increased their income by nearly SEK 250,000 per year each, reveals SVT Nyheter Stockholm.

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Ksiazkiewicz and Ergül already have fixed annual salaries in their roles as opposition councillors.

According to the municipality's regulations, which came into force in April 2023, it is forbidden for councilors to increase their income by also taking on the role of political secretary.

Despite this, the two S-politicians began to receive extra payments at the beginning of 2024, according to salary specifications reviewed by SVT Nyheter.

Stina Lundgren (M), chairman of the municipal board in Botkyrka, expresses strong criticism of the arrangement and believes that it blocks the so-called contempt for politicians. She now demands that the payments be stopped immediately.

Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz has admitted in an interview with SVT that he received the extra sums but claims that he did not know the municipality's rules. The Social Democrats claim that they received approval from the municipality's officials for their arrangement. An email exchange between Ksiazkiewicz and the chancellor at the municipal board's administration shows that the Social Democrats got the go-ahead, but the chancellor admits at the same time that the writing in the regulations “is not completely clear”, which opens up for different interpretations.

SVT has applied to Yasemin Ergül for a comment, but without success.


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