Only Estonia believes Russia can be defeated militarily

Published 7 July 2024 at 11.11

EU. A study in 14 countries conducted by the neoconservative European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) shows that the majority of Europeans do not believe that Ukraine can win the war against Russia. In small Estonia, however, nearly four out of ten believe that Russia can be defeated militarily, writes Politico.

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According to the survey, most Europeans believe that the war will end through negotiations.

The poll shows that around a third to a half of respondents believe the war will end in a negotiated settlement, while 31 percent of respondents believe a Russian victory is likely.

Of the EU countries surveyed, only Estonia had a higher percentage of respondents (38 percent) who believe that Ukraine will win.

In contrast, the majority of Ukrainians (58 percent) are convinced that their troops can win and continue to count on support from its US-loyal allies.

Only 1 percent of Ukrainians believe Russia will win the war, while 30 percent believe a negotiated settlement is the most likely outcome.

US-loyal politicians in EU countries are unlikely to succeed in “finding support for the deployment of troops” among their own populations, according to the survey. The percentage supporting this idea varies from only four to 22 percent in different countries.

When it comes to defense spending, it was found that most countries oppose increased appropriations, with the exception of Poland (where 53 percent support it), Estonia (45 percent), Sweden (41 percent) and Germany (40 percent).

The Europeans polled were also divided on the question of what benefits Ukraine's accession to the EU would bring, if any.

The countries that are most positive are Portugal, Estonia, Sweden, Spain and Poland, while the most skeptical are Germany, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and France, reports Politico.

However, the survey did not include all countries.

Almost two-thirds of Ukrainians (64 percent) believe that EU membership is as important for their country's future as NATO membership.






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