Another man dead after being hanged at “Dumpen”


Published 1 May 2024 at 11.51

Domestic. A father of two in his 50s became the fifth to take his own life after being hanged on the controversial site Dumpen, writes Dagens ETC.

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TwittraShare< p>The man was filmed and exposed as a pedophile by high jumper­ star Partik Sjöberg and Sara Nilsson after setting up a meeting with what he thought was a teenage girl.

The man's mother tells Dagens ETC that the son became a personality­ changed after the hanging, quit his job and moved in with her.

– It wasn't my son. He was out walking and walking with panic attacks, she tells Dagens ETC.

The suicide is the fifth confirmed one linked to people who were confronted and published on Dumpen, according to Dagens ETC.