Can't answer what she does with the EU money


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Published 26 April 2024 at 13:40

EU. Member of the European Parliament Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) was speechless when she was asked what happens to the “office money” of SEK 57,000 a month that she receives from the EU.

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TV4 News reports that an EU member of parliament in practice receives a salary equivalent to SEK 400,000 before tax. That is twice as much as Sweden's Prime Minister receives.

In addition to the tax-free remuneration of the equivalent of SEK 116,000, they receive a “daily allowance” of SEK 4,000 per day and an “office allowance” of SEK 57,000.

< p>An investigation by SVT recently showed that four of the eight Swedish parties in parliament – ​​the Social Democrats, the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Sweden Democrats – refuse to tell how their “office money” is used. It is common knowledge within the EU that the politicians usually put this money in their own pockets.

When TV4 interviews EU parliamentarian Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) where her office money goes, she cannot answer the question.

– That money and that entire administration is handled by the parliament. So they are the ones who sit on those documents, she claims.