Orbán: The elections in the EU and the US can bring peace in Ukraine


Published 23 April 2024 at 10.18

Foreign. If pro-peace forces do well in the EU and US elections, the war in Ukraine could be over as early as next year. That's what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says.

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World peace is at stake in the elections to the European Parliament in June and the presidential elections in the United States in November – at least if must believe Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán.

If peace advocates win the elections to the European Parliament, “military decisions in Europe can be slowed down, paused or even canceled,” he says on social media.

– Another election will take place in the United States, with one candidate for war and another for peace. If a peaceful candidate wins, we will get support from the United States, Orbán said, referring to Joe Biden as the warmongering candidate and Donald Trump as the peacemaking candidate.

He continues:

– After the elections, if everything goes well and God is with us, then the political leaders who advocate peace will be able to step forward in Europe and the United States, and then we will be able to end the war at the end of [next year].