Turtle Beach will discontinue the Roccat line and will release products under its own flag


Component manufacturer Turtle Beach is discontinuing the Roccat product line. The company acquired Roccat five years ago, but kept those products as a separate series. Now the company will merge both brands.

Turtle Beach writes in a FAQ that it wants to 'bring more integration into the product family for console, PC and simulation'. “We felt that time and resources would be best spent focusing under one brand and creating a range of products that matter most to gamers,” the company wrote. In practice, this means that Roccat will disappear as a separate brand. The company's products will be released under the Turtle Beach flag in the future.

Turtle Beach acquired Roccat five years ago. Both companies make accessories for PC gamers; Turtle Beach focuses mainly on headsets and Roccat on mice and keyboards. All the while, Roccat continued to release products within Turtle Beach as a separate brand, which meant the brand continued to have a loyal fan base. According to Turtle Beach, existing Roccat products will continue to be covered by the warranty if customers still had them. Roccat products will also continue to work with Turtle Beach's Swarm software. This will also happen in the future when Swarm II is released.