Kobo is partnering with iFixit to make e-readers easier to repair


Rakuten Kobo is partnering with iFixit to make its e-readers easier to repair. The company will, among other things, make it possible to 'replace common components' on certain devices, although many details are still missing.

Kobo has placed a separate section on repairability on its help page. In it, the company writes that it is working with repair platform iFixit to 'extend the life of their e-reader by replacing commonly used components'. This will certainly happen on the Libra Colour, the Clara Color and the Clara BW, but the company does not mention other models.

Many details about the plan are still missing. It is not clear whether the screen of the e-readers themselves will be replaceable, or whether Kobo only means batteries or connection ports. It is also not known whether, for example, the firmware or internal storage can be updated and whether the program applies worldwide or only in the US. Kobo says only that it will “provide more details soon” about the process.