Motus-E, midway through the city. May, had sounded the alarm about the use of PNRR funds intended for the electric car charging network. For the association, there was the risk that these funds could not be exploited with obvious negative consequences for the realization of a fundamental project for the diffusion of electric cars in our country.< /p>
As we know, the entire PNRR project provides for the installation of over 21,000 columns throughout Italy for which a total of 713 million euros have been allocated. The first tranche of funding scheduled for 2023 is the final year. amounting to 270 million euros. Companies interested in funding can participate in the tenders that were issued in May by the Ministry of the Environment.
Motus-E, however, had identified a series of critical issues, and had pointed the finger at the timing given that the companies only had 28 days available for the presentation of the projects. Furthermore, the association had highlighted the lack of clarity of the definitions used in the decrees and the breadth of the tender areas.
Where are we now? During the Question time in the Chamber yesterday, Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin reassured, stating that the objectives will be achieved within the set times.
We will achieve the objectives within the set times, without the need to to further defer the deadlines already established; established.
The reference is established. to the deadline of 30 June 2023, the date by which the award of all contracts for the construction of recharging infrastructure must be notified. Pichetto also recalled that to clarify any doubts, it is necessary to ask for help. a virtual counter was activated with the support of the GSE and that potential critical issues were analyzed in a well-attended meeting with over two hundred subjects.
Therefore, according to the minister, it is not the case. it was necessary to extend the deadline of 9 June for the presentation of projects. Answers which, however, did not convince the Hon. Giulia Pastorella who, replying to the minister, wondered why there was a need to; to resort to such a timing; short and “emergency” measures; as support tables when the same aid measures could have been foreseen with more time; long, given that the implementing decrees were already; ready in January. Therefore, the Hon. Pastorella wonders what happened between January and May. She then adds that fear is not the only thing. only that of obtaining the funds of the PNRR but it is; It is also linked to citizens, as the lack of charging infrastructure is a major issue. one of the main barriers to the adoption of electric cars.
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