Macron and NATO: once “brain dead”, now revived


There has been no shortage of major Europe speeches lately. Now French President Emmanuel Macron is striking a new tone, sending messages to Eastern Europe while remaining true to himself.

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks at the Globsec Forum in Bratislava.

At the beginning of his speech in Bratislava, French President Emmanuel Macron is almost self-critical. He recalls his statements from November 2019, with which he certified the “brain death” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In the meantime, Russian President Vladimir Putin has shaken the alliance up again with the worst of all electric shocks.

In general, much of his speech was about Europe's relationship with NATO. Macron clarifies that he has no intention of replacing NATO with any other institution and thanks the US for its efforts in Ukraine.

Jacob Ross researches French foreign and security policy at the German Society for Foreign Policy. In an interview with DW, he explains that the French president has remarkably often pointed out that it is thanks to NATO – and above all the US Americans – that Ukraine is helping to guarantee Europe's security. Ross considers one of the core messages of Macron's speech that the French would not question the role of NATO and American security guarantees.

In March 2022, NATO met for the first time at a special summit for Ukraine. In his recent speech, Emmanuel Macron thanked the Americans for their help to Kiev.

Emmanuel Macron caused a sensation in Europe and the USA with statements about Taiwan in April. His words were seen as an appeal for an independent position in the Taiwan conflict and as a rejection of the United States. Macron doesn't ignore Europe's own role in the speech in Bratislava either.

“A strong Europe, a European pillar within NATO is essential, it's the only way to be credible,” said the French President. According to France expert Ross, Macron is concerned in the short term with Ukraine winning the war, but in the medium term with the EU learning from the war and becoming more independent.

Basically, all states are for themselves and for them responsible for the security of their neighboring countries, Emmanuel Macron warned and demanded that strategic decisions be made and implemented more quickly. By this he also means that the Europeans must expand their capacities in the areas of energy, technology and military capabilities more quickly.

European sovereignty still important

These demands are a hobby of the French President: European sovereignty. Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly advocated greater independence for the European Union. This time he stated that Europe is on the way to sovereignty, especially in the area of ​​defence. At the same time, he calls for ammunition to be bought in the EU and for the EU to prepare for the future together. Standards would have to be unified and common European technologies for defense would have to be created. That would also lead to Europe becoming more independent.

DGAP expert Jacob Ross sees a change of course in of France's Eastern European policy

French change of course in enlargement policy

For the foreign and security expert Ross, there was another aspect to the speech: the idea that the forthcoming EU enlargement would also be a kind of reunification of the European continent after it was separated by the Cold War.

And indeed: With a view to the forthcoming summit of the European Political Community (EPG) on Thursday, the French President states that the EU enlargement must happen “as soon as possible”. Innovative approaches would be discussed at the summit. Europe must try to avoid certain mistakes – such as raising hopes and then playing for time. The EU accession process of the Western Balkan countries has been dragging on for many years. Moldova and Ukraine have also been EU accession candidates since summer 2022.

Behind these statements, Ross sees a change of course by the French and emphasizes that French Eastern European policy and their opinion on enlargement rounds have changed fundamentally as a result of the Ukraine war: Now enlargement policy is understood as a geopolitical instrument and there is an awareness that delaying tactics for example, could make the countries of the Western Balkans vulnerable to Russian and Chinese influences.

Chancellor Scholz promotes his vision of the future of the EU

Message to Eastern Europe

With With his concept of European sovereignty, the French President had adopted a different tonality in his vision for Europe than, for example, the German Chancellor in his Europe speech on May 9th. Olaf Scholz spoke out against a European superpower and would like to meet other countries on an equal footing. France expert Ross believes that Macron's speech was aimed primarily at Eastern Europe and should counteract France's poor image there. This is also happening with a view to the forthcoming meeting of the European Political Community, at which more than 40 heads of state and government are to meet in Moldova.