Åkesson on the population exchange: “It's pure mathematics”


Published 31 March 2023 at 09.44

Domestic. SD leader Jimmie Åkesson defends party colleague Richard Jomshof's statement that Swedes are about to become a minority in their own country.

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” Gang crime and organized crime are largely an imported problem. The Swedes are on the way to becoming a minority in their own country. There is an Islamization going on. There are no conspiracy theories without facts.”

So wrote Richard Jomshof on Tuesday in a Twitter post that caused an outcry among the left, which claims that there can be no population exchange because Swedes do not exist and everyone can become Swedes by getting a Swedish passport.

SD's party leader Jimmie Åkesson has now commented on Jomshof's post for SVT Nyheter.

– It is clear that we have a demographic change in Swedish society that has happened very quickly. To me it's pure math. Then you can think that it is good or bad. We think it risks having serious consequences for society, says Jimmie Åkesson.

The post was also discussed in SVT's debate program “Sverige möts”, where Jomshof participated and maintained that gang crime is largely an “imported problem”.

The exchange of people

  • Jomshof: "Swedes on the way to becoming a minority in their own country"
  • Immigrants soon in the majority in both Stockholm and Gothenburg< /li>
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