Tech CEO Mose Haregot gets jail time for brutal rape at Stureplan


Published 23 March 2023 at 19.54

Domestic. Mose Haregot founded the company Society Icon, which would help Swedish influencers become big. Now has been sentenced for a rape in connection with a night out at Stureplan, Fria Tider can tell. At the same time, his company files for bankruptcy – and a number of influencers lose their promised money.

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According to Tuesday's verdict in the district court, the rape was committed in connection with Mosye “Mose” Haregot celebrating his 36th birthday on January 27 this year together with colleagues and friends in Stockholm.

Haregot is known as the founder and CEO of the company Society Icon, which has helped small and large influencers by connecting them with brands interested in collaboration. The female victim had gotten to know him through her boyfriend.

After a birthday dinner, Haregot and his friends mingled with another group of acquaintances and together they visited the bar Tjalans and then the night club V and the Spy Bar on Stureplan. Those who were then left in the party were to take a taxi on to an after-party when it was just after five in the morning on Saturday, January 28.

However, Mosye Haregot prevented the woman from entering the taxi and she remained behind with him on the spot. She didn't see anything strange about it because they were friends, but then the 36-year-old suddenly dragged her towards the L'angolo restaurant on Engelbrektsplan and explained to her that he had “lost it”.

The woman says the tech CEO then unbuttoned his pants, exposed his genitalia and yelled “come here and suck my cock”.

He grabbed the woman's shoulders and breasts and pushed her into a wall , tore at her hair and pushed her to the ground to her knees, according to the verdict. He then gripped her hair as he pushed his penis into her mouth and throat and pulled her head back and forth.

“You little whore, suck my cock”
Meanwhile, he repeatedly punched her in the face, causing pain and bruising to her face, head, neck and body.

– You little whore, suck my cock, the tech CEO shouted during the rape, according to the woman.

Mosye Haregot defended himself by saying that it was in fact the woman who had initiated the oral sex. Her bruised face was because she “started playing charades” and “acted as if they hadn't had sex,” so he was forced to give her “a washboard,” the tech CEO said. He also says that he “can't really remember” that he would have said “suck me, you whore”.

However, the district court considers the woman's story to be both credible and reliable, while his contains “several difficult-to-explain elements and contradictions”. There was also other evidence in the form of witnesses, surveillance footage, photographs and journal entries that corroborated her story.

The woman says that she tried to go to work on Monday but when she got there she immediately collapsed. Her boyfriend had to pick her up and take her to a doctor. She was on sick leave and came into contact with a therapist who determined that she suffered from PTSD and that she is in a dissociative state. She is still on sick leave.

The Stockholm district court sentences Mosye Haregot to 3 years and 6 months in prison for rape and drug offences. He had just over a gram of cocaine on him when he was arrested for the rape on January 28.

Influencers complain about non-payment
Mosye Haregot's company Society Icon submitted this week a bankruptcy application to the Stockholm District Court. His influencer network has had total losses of just over SEK 13 million (up to and including 2021) during the six years the company has existed, according to Summary.

Among Society Icon's customers were large companies such as Klarna, H&M, Aller media , Live nation and Warner music.

Recently, a number of influencers on Instagram who partnered with Society Icon have complained that they have not received their promised payouts.