ICA warns of death threats against traders after the rampant prices


Published 16 March 2023 at 12.07

Domestic. ICA has sent out a warning to all ICA retailers in the country after the security department identified death threats against stores and staff on social media and internet forums.

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TwittraShare< p>The threats are aimed at traders due to rampant food prices, writes SVT Nyheter.

On Flashback and on social media there are posts with wording such as “Time to hang every single greedy Ica trader” and “All greedy bastards” vomit that is behind this deserves to be shot”.

In its message to traders, ICA warns of increased risks of attacks on shops and staff, which may include attacks on shops, people or private property.

Ica's head of security Anders Jonasson points out that the probability of the threats being carried out is low, but that it is still important to alert traders to the threats.