Satanists start abortion clinic


Published 2 February 2023 at 07.47

Foreign. The organization The Satanic Temple opens its own clinic in New Mexico in the United States to offer “free religious medical abortion” under “ritual” forms, reports Fox News.

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The clinic will be called “Samuel Alito's Mother's Satanic Abortion Clinic”.

It is an obvious mockery of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who last year overturned Roe v. Wade – a precedent-setting ruling from 1973 in which the US Constitution was claimed by liberal justices to guarantee that abortion would be a “right” throughout the United States.

Now, instead, it is up to each state to decide its own abortion laws.


The Satanist clinic will offer telemedicine examinations and prescribe abortion pills to patients. These services are offered free as part of The Satanic Temple's “abortion ritual,” but patients must still pay for the drugs at a pharmacy.

The new facility in New Mexico will be operated by licensed medical professionals and will offer their services for resident women in the state who are at least 17 years old, up to 11 weeks pregnant and medically eligible for an abortion.

– TST is proud to expand reproductive choices for our members. This is just the beginning, says Erin Helian, campaign manager for the Satanists.

In addition to abortion, The Satanic Temple works for things like LGBTQ, anti-racism and the like.

Fria Tider reported last month that the organization this spring will host what is described as “the largest satanic gathering ever” in Boston.

In order to participate in the conference, proof of vaccination is required and visitors must also wear N-95, KN-95 type respirators or disposable surgical masks , the organizer writes on his website. Mouth guards made of fabric and the like will not be accepted, it is further announced.