Pinned lists in the Twitter app let you see your favorite accounts


The Twitter app for iPhone has been updated with pinned lists, and CEO Elon Musk gives instructions on how to use it himself.

Gonny van der Zwaag | – 21 January 2023, 9:48 whatsappfacebooktwittertelegramlinkedinmailprint

If this function sounds familiar to you: that may be true, because in 2019 Twitter already introduced pinned lists. Twitter later rolled it back, after which the app went back to its normal timeline of posts curated by an algorithm. Last week, Twitter added the ability to use two timelines instead of one, and now you have the option to view your lists on that second timeline. The algorithmic timeline is still front and center and is the first thing you see when using the app. If you'd rather see Twitter's chronological timeline, you can. But you will have to switch manually each time you open the app.

See also

How to view the Twitter timeline chronologically

Does the Twitter app show the “best tweets” at the top of the list, based on algorithms? And would you prefer them to be in time order? You can easily get back Twitter's chronological timeline with the steps in this article.

Pinned Lists in Twitter

After updating the app, you can swipe between three views: For You, Following, and Lists. Pinning a list works like this:

  1. Go to your profile page and tap Lists.
  2. Choose a list (or create one).
  3. Tap the pin icon.
  4. Go back to your timeline and you will see the lists at the top of the screen. Swipe sideways to view them.

You now have an extra view, with which you can quickly follow all tech news sites, for example. The image above shows how this works: after pinning multiple lists you can quickly go to the relevant lists. This makes it easier to filter what you see. When you start the Twitter app, you immediately swipe aside to only see messages from accounts that are important to you.

If you already had pinned lists, you probably created them earlier in the update from 2019 or via the Twitter app on other platforms. The app also brings another improvement. In an earlier version, image previews were no longer fully displayed. That turned out to be a bug that has been fixed in this update, reports the Twitter Support account. You will no longer see a 16:9 preview, but the full picture.

After the official announcement that developers are no longer allowed to make third-party Twitter apps, as a Twitter user you have to rely on the official apps. Veterans Twitterrific and Tweetbot have now announced that they will stop using their Twitter apps, now that access to data has been closed. Perhaps the main reason is that these apps filtered ads that caused Twitter to miss out on money. According to figures, Twitter would have lost the top 14 advertisers and 35% of its revenue since the acquisition. Many Twitter developers have recently turned their attention to creating Mastodon apps.

See also

How to view the Twitter timeline chronologically

Does the Twitter app display the 'best tweets' at the top of the list, based on algorithms? And would you prefer them to be in time order? You can easily get back Twitter's chronological timeline with the steps in this article.