The Ethnographic Museum cleans up Swedish explorers


Published 18 January 2023 at 15.35

Domestic. Sven Hedin (1865–1952) is kicked out of an exhibition at the Ethnographic Museum. This after it emerged that the famous explorer had such major character flaws that he failed to hold opinions that are current 71 years after his death.

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The Ethnographic Museum in Stockholm is removing parts of its base exhibition with Sven Hedin after his fascination with Nazism was once again brought to the attention of the left, this time in a new book by left-wing activist Tommy Lundmark.

In an email to SVT Kulturnyheterna, the museum confirms that the exhibition, which included Sven Hedin, has been taken down.

In the exhibition, Sven Hedin's craze for Nazism was compared to the fact that he also spoke positively about communist leaders, a formulation which misled visitors according to Tommy Lundmark, who of course believes that the craze for Nazism was much worse.

– A fresh start is needed if the museum wants to display Sven Hedin in the future, Lundmark announces for SVT.

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