The SD leaders celebrated with “remigration cake” – Annie Lööf rages


Published 17 October 2022 at 19.32

Domestic. The Center Party's Annie Lööf is furious that the Sweden Democrats' party leadership celebrated today's vote in the Riksdag with a “return cake”.

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Ulf Kristersson (M) was today voted through by the Riksdag as the new Prime Minister.

The Sweden Democrats' party board, which supports the new government, celebrated this historic success for the party by eating a special cake which allegedly alludes to re-migration.

Images of the cake are spread, among other things, by SD's Tobias Andersson, who received a lot of attention recently when he called subway trains with SD advertising “migration trains”.

Centre leader Annie Lööf now accuses SD's party board of celebrating the “election victory with a migration train cake”.

“This reprehensible view of humanity flows in the party that dictates the new government's policy. Distasteful,” writes Annie Lööf on Twitter.