Paypal backs down on racist fines


Published 9 October 2022 at 11.17

Economy. Payment giant Paypal recently announced a change to its terms and conditions that allowed the company to fine users who “in Paypal's sole discretion” had spread “racism” or “misinformation.” Now, however, the company claims that the rule change itself was – disinformation, reports Fox News.

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“You may not use Paypal's services to… send, post or publish messages or content that, in Paypal's sole discretion, constitute misinformation,” the new terms said, among other things.

Also criticizing “protected groups” such as women and ethnic minorities were banned under the same provision.

For each violation, the user would have to pay “damages by way of a fine of 2,500 dollars”, by Paypal withdrawing the money directly from the user's account.


But now the company claims that the notification of the new rules was incorrect, and that the ban on misinformation was itself misinformation.

– A change notice to our terms recently went out in error, containing incorrect information. says a Paypal spokesperson.

– Paypal does not fine people for misinformation and that wording would never have been added to our terms, the spokesperson added.

The company is now working to remove the wording and apologizes for any problems it caused, according to Paypal .

Despite the statement, however, the payment giant has suspended several organizations that used the services for various types of conservative opinion formation, and then leaned against the ban on criticizing “protected groups”.

Among other things closed the account of Gays Against Groomers, which presents itself as an “association of homosexuals opposed to the sexualization, indoctrination and medication of children”. PayPal also closed an account for the Free Speech Union and the Daily Skeptic, two websites run by conservative British writer Toby Young.