Police resign: “The police have become an adult kindergarten”


Published 6 October 2022 at 12.49

Domestic. The Swedish Police Authority has been taken over by left-wing activists who have replaced traditional police work with a jungle of PK steering documents and diversity plans. The authority simply doesn't work anymore, a police officer who recently resigned told Document.no.

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The former police officer, who is anonymous in Document's interview, gives a both credible and initiated description of the serious situation for Swedish police in the 21st century.

– What I experienced during the last years I was employed was that the agency was filled with political activists. Every little scumbag in society suddenly had their own liaison or communicator within the police, and they all had their own agenda. The work consisted more and more of creating an image of the police than actually doing anything. All this nonsense stopped real police work.

There is more focus on “tone” and not offending anyone than fighting crime, according to the former police officer.

– Instead of conducting traditional police work, today you read value-based­documents about how we should relate to serious criminals and individuals who consider themselves to be outsiders. I don't know how many documents and meetings I've seen where they talked about the “tone” between colleagues or the tone towards groups x and y. I've been to lectures where they talked about “words hurt”, that someone can get hurt confidence when they receive criticism or make mistakes. The police have simply become an adult kindergarten – it is not sustainable in the long run. The police have a monopoly on violence and must consist of knowledgeable people who can handle sharp situations.

Today the interviewed policeman works with his own company and has left Swedish police operations behind. A decision he says he is happy with.