License renewal, the last Covid extension expires


Today June 29 & egrave; an important date as it is; the last day it is possible to take advantage of the extension provided by the cos & igrave; said decree & quot; Cura Italia & quot; that the Government had prepared after the outbreak of the pandemic. Specifically, the legislation provides that driving licenses expiring between January 31, 2020 and March 31, 2022 would have retained their validity; for the ninety days following the declaration of the cessation of the state of emergency.

Now, therefore, we are back to & quot; normality; & quot ;. There & ograve; it means that the standard rules for license expiration will be applied again. Those who have not remembered to renew their driving license, taking advantage of these exceptions (not many according to the ministry), will not be able to; more to drive until it will have; proceeded to carry out the renewal. Attention, however, we remind you that the possibility to continue driving with an expired license taking advantage of the derogation concerned only the Italian territory .

In fact, very different rules applied abroad and much more; stringent. Therefore, whoever has not yet complied, perhaps even for simple forgetfulness, will have to; renew the license as soon as possible. For the more & ugrave; mind you remember that there are also handy apps that allow you to check the expiration of your driving license.

For example, with the iPatente application , as well as to the updated balance of the points of your driving license, & egrave; It is possible to verify the expiry of the validity; of the document.


The deadline of 29 June is not only valid for the renewal of expired driving licenses: it also concerns several other driving licenses including the pink sheet and the provisional driving permits, which always expired between January 31, 2020 and March 31, 2022.

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