Comau collaborates with Ilika on the production of solid state batteries


Solid state batteries, at least on paper, should bring several benefits to electric cars , allowing these cars to make an important leap forward in terms of autonomy and speed; charging. We have often talked about this topic in recent months due to the many announcements that companies in the sector and car manufacturers have made about this technology.

Now, on the subject of solid state batteries comes a & # 39; interesting news which does not concern the technical specifications of the cells but the production . In fact, Ilika Technologies working on the development of solid state technology and Comau of the Stellantis Group, have completed a one-year study, funded by the UK government, on the “ machinery and processes required to produce the solid-state technology based on oxide electrolyte on an approximate scale of 100 MWh to '' year & quot ;. Study from which all the steps necessary to arrive at an industrial scale production have emerged.

Ilika's Goliath ASSB technology for electric vehicles can & ograve; get to improve energy and density of power at the pack level, allowing fast charging of less than 20 minutes and operation at lower temperatures; high compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries.


According to what & egrave; was told, Comau supported Ilika in the creation of a production process both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale, with a focuson the use of technologies and machinery already available today which would require a reduced investment by companies.

On the other hand, for the technologies not yet available, Comau has created some concepts of processes and machinery to be industrialized in a second phase of the project. The interesting thing about this study is; that in 2/3 of the production phases of the new solid state cells & egrave; It is possible to use the standard machinery that today is used for & quot; traditional & quot; battery cells.

The project initiated by Ilika is part of Comau's strategy and long-term plan for the production of batteries solid state, validating a series of production steps that the company plans for the future.

Render of the test line – 50 MWh

Once the study phase of the project was completed, the two companies defined a path to reach Ilika's goal and that is; to reach mass production levels . Entering more in detail, it is said that scalability of the production of Ilika will take place; in three steps.

The first is that it is; currently underway, it will be & agrave; to move to 2 MWh per year by the end of 2023 . This goal will be; achieved by expanding the facility in Hampshire, UK.

The Ilika-Comau-funded study took place. focused on a capacity; of 100 MWh while the continuation of this work between the two companies will feed; the second phase of scalability; di Ilika.

The second phase, therefore, foresees the achievement of a production of 100 MWh. The third, finally, plans to reach a level of GWh.

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