S-municipality received criticism – then demands are introduced for “good mood” in the council


Published 5 February 2022 at 09.12

Domestic. After opposition politician Markus Allard, 32, directed harsh criticism at the municipal board in Örebro, the S-led municipality now chooses to introduce local rules that require “good mood” during municipal council meetings.

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“The meeting must have good order, a good atmosphere and a well-kept language must be used in order to create conditions for the democratic process”, the municipality writes in its new rules, which come from the presidium, ie. those who lead the work of the City Council in Örebro.

Jan Zetterqvist (S) is chairman of the City Council and defends the new rules.

– Last time we had a council, there was the perception that some members avoided participating in the debate due to the angry mood. We want freedom of expression to apply to all 65 members, he says to P4 Örebro.

The background is that the opposition Örebro party and its party leader Markus Allard directed harsh criticism at local politicians in Örebro during the municipality's meetings. But now it can be finished with the criticism.

“Now you go forward with increased powers to interrupt parties if you happen to sabotage the good mood. You can now say that KF in Örebro forbids bad mood “Practically no criticism from the local media”, Allard states on Twitter