“Why can not electricity be considered a luxury item?”


Published 24 January 2022 at 07.23

Domestic. Aftonbladet's Malin Wollin is tired of Swedes complaining about record high electricity prices. She suggests that electricity be considered a luxury item.

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“Why can electricity not be considered a luxury item as well as a necessity?” writes Malin Wollin in a column in Aftonbladet.

She continues:

“That it is warm in the house, that we can roast potatoes in the oven, that we can hang sweet light loops over the terrace , that I can put in my expensive pliers and attract the fringe like on Pinterest. All that is possible thanks to electricity, absolutely incredible, but when the price went up, the population howled as if the state had clogged the oxygen hole itself. “

People have “too much money”, the 43-year-old Aftonbladet journalist further states.

Malin Wollin has previously criticized protests against high petrol prices.

“It is not a human right to live in the country “, she wrote in May 2019.


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