Left-wing lawyer earns 10 million tax kroner


Published 6 January 2022 at 13.01

You pay. The left-wing activist and lawyer Viktor Banke, 37, invoiced the state just over SEK 10.8 million as public defender in 2021, reports Dagens Juridik.

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Viktor Banke has attracted attention in his role as a defender of, among others, gang criminals and rapists.

He is also known for his strong commitment in the debate for increased third world immigration to Sweden. <./p>

In 2021, Viktor Banke was the lawyer in Sweden who had the greatest remuneration for his assignment as public defender. In total, he has invoiced just over SEK 10.8 million, writes Dagens Juridik. That is almost a million more than the second on the list, Jonas Granfelt.

The year before, Banke invoiced for just over SEK 8.6 million as a public defender, according to Dagens Juridik.

The 37-year-old also profiles himself as a “male” feminist. On Twitter, he draws attention to the top list by remarking that all the public defenders who earned the most are men.

“20 highest paid public defenders in Sweden. 0 women. It does not correspond to the distribution of competence if you say so” , tweets Viktor Banke.