Yes to new risk tax for banks


Published 14 December 2021 at 14.02

Economics. The Riksdag today approved the Government's proposal to introduce a new risk tax for banks and other credit institutions.

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The purpose of the new risk tax is to offset the costs that may affect society as a result of a possible financial crisis.

The tax shall apply to credit institutions whose liabilities reach a set limit value at the beginning of the tax year. For 2022, the limit value is set at SEK 150 billion. The size of the tax will be 0.05 per cent of the tax base for the tax year 2022, and 0.06 per cent for the tax year 2023.

However, the Riksdag urges the government to give the public credit institution Kommuninvest an exemption from the tax and to investigate the possibility of changing the law so that the risk tax “does not affect locally anchored banks”.

The new law on risk tax will come into force on 1 January 2022 and will then apply for tax years beginning after 31 December 2021.

The government has estimated that the new tax will provide an annual contribution to the Treasury of SEK 5 billion.