MP-top reported to the police for electricity prices against Russians


Published 12 December 2021 at 20.23

Domestic. A Fria Tider reader has reported the Green Party's climate policy spokesperson Lorentz Tovatt to the police for incitement against ethnic groups. This after the MP summit blamed the high Swedish electricity prices on Russia.

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Fria Tider reported on Saturday about Lorentz Tovatt's proposal on electricity prices.

– But then you have to remember that the anger should be directed at Russia. It is they who have put us in this situation and our dependence on their gas, the MP-top told Expressen.

A reader has now reported Lorentz Tovatt to the police for incitement against ethnic groups.

However, the reader does not believe that the report will result in any prosecution against Lorentz Tovatt:

“I have no hopes that this report goes beyond to be closed down because it is the case law that applies in Sweden regarding derogatory statements and incitement against Russia. “