The Prime Minister of Finland went to a nightclub after corona exposure


Published 8 December 2021 at 14.00

Abroad. Finland's female Prime Minister Sanna Marin, 36, had a big party in the city and left her ministerial phone at home after being exposed to corona infection. Now she apologizes for the behavior, reports Yle.

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Fria Tider reported the other day that Finland's Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto had tested positive for covid-19 after attending an OSCE meeting in Stockholm last week.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin was informed early on Saturday night that she had been exposed to corona infection via the foreign minister. An SMS was sent to all Finnish ministers to minimize social contacts.

Nevertheless, the female Prime Minister chose to go out on a wild inn in Helsinki for the rest of the evening.

In a photograph she can be seen posing with a beer in her hand – by the Corona brand.

Meanwhile, she was also unreachable via her ministerial phone, because she had not taken it with her.

The behavior is harsh criticism in Finland and Sanna Marin has been forced to apologize.

“I should have used better judgment and double-checked the instructions I received. I am very sorry that I did not understand how to do so”, she writes in a post on Facebook.

At a press conference today, Sanna Marin was asked about the photo with the Corona beer.

– I was out at a restaurant with my friends. Yes, I have drunk beer, the Prime Minister replied according to Yle.

As for the ministerial phone, Sanna Marin defends herself by saying that she at least had her parliamentary phone with her during the party night.

Sanna Marin is stated have tested negative for covid-19 after the nightclub visit. The incident has been reported to the Finnish Chancellor of Justice, JK.