The lack of electricity drives up the price of bread


Published 8 December 2021 at 15.08

Economics. The bakery company Pågen raises its bread prices to compensate for the skyrocketing electricity price, reports Svenska Dagbladet.

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The price of electricity has recently reached historic levels. In southern Sweden, the price per kilowatt hour on Monday was an incredible SEK 6.49.

The situation is now having effects on the rest of the economy.

Pågen's bakery is located in Skåne, where half of Swedish food production exists. The company must now raise the prices of its bread products.

– It is not unreasonable that in the end this corresponds to a price increase in store of SEK 1-2 per loaf, says Pågen's CEO Anders Carlsson Jerndal to SvD.

Anders Carlsson states that the high ellipses are due to the government “having planable energy dismantled as nuclear power at the same time as it has not invested in sufficient transmission capacity”.

He hopes that the government will now change line and start invest in cogeneration and new nuclear power – or that “voters will otherwise vote for a new government to do so”.