Every third cheap electrical product contains hazardous substances


Published December 8, 2021 at 12.10

Consumer. The Swedish Chemicals Agency has examined cheap consumer electronics that can be easily clicked home from online shops. The analyzes show that 35 percent of the examined items contain dangerous substances in such high levels that they may not be sold in the EU.

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– The survey shows that it is above all small companies that import and sell via e-commerce that have products with shortcomings and these are often cheaper products without well-known brands, says Mariana Pilenvik, inspector at The Swedish Chemicals Agency, in a statement.

A total of 27 companies were inspected, ranging from headphones, lanterns and lamps to kitchen electronics. The levels of substances contained in the gadgets do not pose an acute risk to the user, but they do contribute to the total exposure to chemical substances. They can also cause damage to health and the environment when they are manufactured and later become waste, according to the Swedish Chemicals Agency.

– It is mainly lead in solders and phthalates and short-chain chlorinated paraffins in plastic that recur from year to year. It is important that even small companies set chemical requirements on their suppliers and that they know what their products contain, says Mariana Pilenvik.

As a manufacturer, you must have complete knowledge of which substances are included in the product and as an importer. you are responsible for the goods you sell.

– As a consumer, it is important to be aware that the choice of products can affect health and the environment. You can not directly look at a product if it contains dangerous substances, but we find most of the shortcomings in low-priced products of lesser-known brands. Look for the CE marking and use your right to ask questions about the product to the company, says Mariana Pilenvik.