Right-wing satirists pulled in 18 million – in 20 minutes


Published 22 November 2021 at 15.47

Kulturnyheter. The satirist “Stonetoss”, known on social media for his politically incorrect comics, managed in a spectacular coup to earn the equivalent of 18 million kronor in cryptocurrency by selling so-called NFTs. All in 20 minutes.

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NFTs are a special type of crypto-technology used to buy the rights to “digital works of art”.

The new trend among liberals to buy NFTs has been mocked by many – including the cartoonist Stonetoss, who is popular on Twitter.

Stonetoss decided to release his own collection of NFTs consisting of images of “flurks”, which he calls his human-like cartoon characters.

This caused a stir because a number of left-wing activists – who call Stonetoss “racist” and “anti-Semitic” and the like – demanded that sales be stopped.

However, the attention seemed to benefit the cartoonist. Only 20 minutes after the launch, all 5,000 of his NFTs had been sold for 0.085 ethereum (one cryptocurrency) each.

OpenSea, which is the largest trading venue for NFTs, then acted quickly and shut down Stonetoss. from the marketplace. But then it was already too late.

Stonetoss then posted new NFTs at the rival trading venue Rarible, but even there he was quickly suspended due to racist allegations.