JO drowns in reports against the vaccine passport


Published 22 November 2021 at 18.16

Domestic. The Ombudsman, JO, now states that he has received over 3,000 reports regarding the vaccine passport that the government and the Public Health Agency want to introduce.

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Folkstormen has caused JO problems – the authority simply does not have time to register all reports that come in.

Fria Tider reported this weekend that about 500 reports regarding the vaccine passport then had came in to JO – a figure that has now multiplied.

The complainants believe, among other things, that the vaccine passport is contrary to the Constitution, as the purpose is to persuade people to tolerate a forced physical intervention against their will.

It was on Wednesday last week that Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S) announced that the government will proceed with FHM's so-called request for vaccine passes for public gatherings and public events.

Vaccine passport

  • Government vaccine passport JO-reported: & quot; Forced physical intervention & quot;
  • Vaccine passport introduced in Sweden